Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Bridgeport Story: PART 2 (FINAL)

Bridgeport Story Part 2

My mother’s life went haywire after my father’s death. She knew they’d be coming for her sooner or later, so she hitched onto a friend she’d made, Jim Schneider. They weren’t sleeping together or anything; they were just acquainted with each other. He even had a wife down in Miami, who was pregnant. So anyway, the two worked together to conceive an escape plan. The docks would be too conspicuous. Besides, the O’Connors had always dominated Bridgeport’s docks. So Jim helped smuggle my mother into the airport. She had to lie in the trunk of Jim’s car as he drove over. She was that scared. Even at the airport, she didn’t fly with the rest of the passengers. She had to go in the cargo bay. Basically, my mother’s life was going hell in a handbasket.
The flight was headed directly to Miami, where Jim’s wife, Mary was waiting to pick up my mother. She was stashed away for four hours.
Within a few weeks of my mom landing, I was born, and so was Mary’s kid, Nikki.  

“She’s so beautiful.” Mary Schneider panted with exhaustion as her baby was delivered. Just a minute or two later Michael was delivered as well.
“It’s a boy!” Jenna smiled, and kissed her baby’s forehead. “I really wish you were here Vito.” She said, and paused momentarily in grief, remembering her dead husband. “How about Michael? I think you’d have liked that name. Michael Scarlatti.”
The nurses wheeled Mary over next to Jenna, and they looked at each other’s children affectionately.
“She’s adorable.” Jenna commented. “Awww, she’s got your eyes. Don’t you, honey? You’re a little munchkin aren’t you?” she said and affectionately poked the baby’s nose. “What’s her name?”
“Nikki, like my mother.”
“Nikki, I think that’s a lovely name.”
“What’s his?”
“Well hello Michael. Me and your mother are good friends, so we’re really going to get to know each other. Aren’t we?” She smiled, and stroked Michael’s cheek.
“Ma’am, if you do not have anyone to take you home, we have services arranged to do so.” The nurse next to her said.
“Thank you so much.” Mary said and nodded at her.
“Your children look wonderful.” The nurse said warmly.
The two women smiled and giggled, as they were wheeled out of the hospital, to the van arranged to take them home.

Mary’s house wasn’t anything too fancy. Nothing like Daniel’s house. It didn’t even matter that they had two incomes. It was just a small three bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, and very basic furniture. Like I said, nothing fancy. That made it a good hideout for my mom. She wanted to maintain a low profile, so that even if Daniel decided to send some men down here, they’d have trouble finding them.. Mary and my mother became close friends almost instantly. It’s almost like they were made for each other. They didn’t talk about all that gangster shit that happened up in Bridgeport. In fact, as far as I’ve known, they never even brought up the matter with each other. It was always something about me or Nikki and how we were getting along really well, gardening, or cooking. Pretty peaceful for a woman that had just been on the run for her life.

“Loved that Lasagna yesterday Jenna. Who taught it to you?”
“Oh, it…it was Vito.” Jenna said as she stroked her son who was playing with Nikki beside her.
“Aw Jenna, come here.” Mary said and embraced her, as tears rolled down Jenna’s eyes.
“I loved him so much.”
“I know, I know, but you’re safe now. I promise, as long as you are inside this house, or hell in Miami, O’Connor’s crew won’t touch you. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Mary said.
Jenna wiped her tears off with her sleeve.
“But Michael…I’m worried about him. He’ll never know his own dad. I know Jim tries hard, and I’m really grateful but…it’s just not going to be the same without Vito.”
“It’s okay.” Mary soothed Jenna and caressed her face. “ We all go through loss, but in the end…everything is washed away and we start afresh. Before you know it you’ll be up and going.”
“I want to get O’Connor back. I want to kill Daniel O’Connor, Mary. Give me a gun and I’ll clip his balls myself. I don’t care if his whole Irish Mob comes after me, I want to avenge my husband.”
“Jenna, don’t talk like that. You’d never do that…it’s just…not you. And that’s a good thing. Look, I know Daniel is a scumbag. He’s probably the biggest jackass out there, and I want to hurt him as much as you do, but you have to realize Jenna…revenge doesn’t get you anywhere. In the end, it’s going to be your hands stained with blood.”
“And it’ll be the blood of the man who killed my husband.”
“Jenna! No. Now I need you to be strong, at least for Michael. What’s he going to think if he finds out his mother is a killer?”
“Who said he’s going to find out?”
“Jenna, I just…just go out take a walk and come back…you…you’re frustrated, you’re angry…just take a little walk.”
It was a hot summer day as Jenna walked outside. It was so sultry that within a few minutes Jenna’s dress was plastered to her body. But she didn’t care. What was running on her mind was far more important, how to avenge her husband, and despite the hot Miami sun which was beating down on her, she came to a cold, final decision.


Nikki and I grew very close really fast. I was always that little runt in kindergarten who nobody gave a crap about. Nobody wanted to talk to me, play with me, or have anything to do with me…except Nikki. We’d hang out in the sandbox, on the swings, on the school building even (mostly ‘cause it wasn’t that high). She always had a bad temper. She raged at anyone who tried to come at me, and even beat them up. Almost a tomboy, except with me she was so gentle and you’d think she was an angel. If someone gave her some candy, she’d always share some with me. If I was hurt, she was the first to get me a band-aid. After a while her temper didn’t bother me much at all. I liked Nikki…I loved her.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Nikki yelled to Michael as lay on the ground, clutching his knee.
“Aah, I cut my knee! Help!” Michael cried as tears rolled down his cheek. The bully that tormented him was already running away, and recess was almost over. Nikki rushed over and pulled him up.
“Come on, let’s go see the nurse.” She said and helped him to the office. “Mrs. Adams, he fell on the playground.”
“Someone pushed you honey?” Mrs. Adams asked Michael.
“Billy pushed me down. He didn’t even say sorry!” Michael sobbed.
“I’ll talk to him honey. I’ll talk to him okay?”  Mrs. Adams replied, and Nikki stood in the distance watching the whole ordeal, fuming.

But Nikki was too fast. She’d talked to him before the day ended. He was lying all beaten up and crying next to the front door, and Nikki was yelling at him. She ran away just as the teachers got there. Nikki was like a bodyguard for me in school. Soon enough, kids knew what she could do, and they got scared. I stuck to her even more. We’d sit together during lunch, in class, and even walk home together. I was a wuss compared to her.
When we got older, she got even more aggressive towards anyone who tried to hurt me. She was only 10 years old, and she’d nearly broken a kid’s arm, ‘cause he called me fat. I guess I was kinda fat back then. I didn’t try out for sports really. It wasn’t till I was a teenager that I decided to work out more. Nikki played soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, and pretty much every other sport under the sun. She won tons of awards, and people just hated her even more. I didn’t care. We always loved each other. That’s all that really mattered.
“High five!” Michael cheered as Nikki came off the soccer field, holding her trophy.
“Thanks. It really wasn’t that hard.”
“Still, good job.” Michael smiled, and hugged Nikki. Their parents waited by the side to pick them up.
“There’s my girl!” Mary smiled and kissed Nikki deeply on her head. Jenna embraced her.
“Good job honey, your mom and I are really proud. As for you young man…you’d better learn from her.”
“It’s okay Mrs. Scarlatti, he’s really good at dodgeball.” Nikki encouraged, winking at Michael.
“You’re lucky Michael…to have a friend like her.” Jenna chided.
They climbed into their car and drove on back to Mary’s house, all the while complimenting Nikki.

It really was an awesome time. Senior year started, and I hit the bench press. Few months and I was the most ripped guy in my grade. The caf would go crazy when I walked in. But none of the girls could have me…except Nikki. Nikki and I only grew closer and people were even more scared. She had my back and I had hers. Nikki had started to take Jujitsu lessons at the local martial arts center. She was almost a black belt. I kind of liked having a tough girl like that by my side. 

"So, when's the black belt test?"  Michael asked leaning over onto the lunch table at school, pulling over a juice carton.
"He's doing it this Sunday. Says he's willing to work a few extra hours to get the test done."
"Oh, so you have a reputation."
"Micahel, I completed...well nearly completed since I haven't taken my final test yet, I completed the program in less than half the time that most kids take. So yeah, he kind of does me favors."
"Okay, okay, somebody's a hotshot." Michael smiled and patted Nikki's cheek. She smiled back and went back to her lunch.  
But what sucked was that my mom wouldn’t stop whining and complaining about the O’Connors. I didn’t really care at that point. I just wanted to ace high school, be prom king with Nikki as my queen. That was what I was worried about, not about some crime lord in some city up north which I’d never been to and I didn’t really care about.
“He killed your father Michael!” Jenna yelled as they sat in the car, on the way back from school.
“Look, mom. I know! You’ve told me about Daniel O’Connor at least 50 times in the past 2 days. I can’t do anything about it, okay?! I can’t. Bridgeport is all the way up in New York. You want me to leave Miami, my friends and Nikki and go up there to avenge some guy I never met?”
“He’s not some guy Michael! He’s your dad! Don’t you give a damn about him?! Why can’t you let go of this high school bullshit and think about your family a little bit?!”
“I do think about it don’t I?! I drive you home when you need it. I go shopping for you. I work two jobs so I can make up for the money you aren’t making. Can’t I have something for myself? For once?!!”
“Michael…” Jenna sobbed.
“No…no don’t give me all that mom. I’m sorry that dad had to go like that. I really am. It is horrible. But I can’t go back in that restaurant and stop that hit. I can’t go back in time. What’s happened has happened. I want a life of my own. I don’t need people telling me what I need to become.”
“Michael! You’re only 17 for Christ’s sake! What do you mean you want your own life?”
“I mean, I don’t want my dad’s past to dictate my future. I’m not going to become a gangster. You can ask me all you want mom, I’m not doing it!”
“Always knew it’d end up this way. You not knowing your father, and not caring enough.”
“What do you want me to do? Huh?! What the hell do you want me to do?!”
“I want you to go back up to Bridgeport, and make that bastard pay for what he did. He insulted our family….your dad. He is going to pay!”
“Goddamit mom! Can’t we just call the damn police or something on the guy?”
“Police.” Jenna scoffed. “You’re so naïve.”
“Let’s just go home okay ma.”
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
Michael slammed his hand onto the steering wheel out of frustration, biting back a sharp retort. He was just a high school student for god’s sake. Was it his business what some crime lord was doing up north in some city he could care less about? Michael grieved for his father’s loss, but wasn’t about to become a vigilante just at his mother’s command. He just wanted to enjoy life as it was, and didn’t have time for these matters. For him the most immediate and important event was probably the Homecoming game, or a pep rally at school, not fulfilling an age long vendetta that his mother was trying to force onto his shoulders.

Ma never really let up, so I decided to take a vacation to Tampa, to get away from all the crap my mom was giving me.
“Muchas gracias.” Michael said and winked to the cocktail waitress, as she handed him the drink.
“De nada.” She replied and patted his cheek. “Your Spanish is really good. Didn’t think a white boy would speak our language so good.”
“I’m taking Spanish in High School.”
“You’re in high school?”
“Yeah baby, senior year!! Can’t wait to head out to college.”
“Well, good luck.”
“Thanks, I’m gonna need it.”
“You look like a smart guy.” She giggled.
“I got my smarts on the streets. So what are you, college…high school?”
“Oh, I’m a freshman at University of Miami.”
“What’re you studying?”
“What kind of business?”
“You’re too cute.” The waitress giggled.
She  waved and headed back to the concession stand. Michael reclined and stared out at the beach as the waves peacefully rolled into the warm Tampa coastline. Yachts roamed the waters left and right and seagulls cried out as they flew above the water. For once, Michael could forget the trouble at home…
Michael’s obnoxious ringtone went off, much to his displeasure.
“Who the hell?” It was Nikki’s number. “Nikki, I’m on vacation, what do you need?”
“Mike! Just listen to me; you have to get up to Bridgeport ASAP.”
“Why the hell should I do that? I came to Tampa-“
“Shut up! Just listen to me! A bunch of guys came down here and raided your place. I split as soon as I could, but…I think they took your mom. My dad was too late.”
“Huh? My…my mom? Where’re they headed?”
“I don’t know, but hunch tells me they work for that O’Connor guy.”
“Wait, how do you kno-“
“Don’t worry about it! Just get yourself up to Bridgeport, He lives in Apt. 3 Building 4 on the Newton Complex. Just remember that! I ca-”
“Did they hurt you? What the hell’s going on?”
“I got into a fight with one of ‘em, he bruised my ribs…Oh shit! Just get the hell out of Florida! I can't talk now Mike!”
“Nikki, are you okay? Nikki! Fuck!” Michael yelled into the phone, but the line was cut, and a text popped up, with an address.
Michael threw his phone to the sand in frustration. The whole reason he left Miami was so that he wouldn’t have to hear about Bridgeport. He hadn’t even been there two days and here was a call telling him to go up north to the city which he hated. To make matters worse, Nikki was hurt! His close friend’s pain sent a pang of sadness through him, and slowly that sadness became anger. Anger towards the man who caused it, anger towards O’Connor. As much as he hated going to Bridgeport, he still wanted to avenge Nikki, and his mother. He sorely regretted not listening to her earlier and vowed to redeem himself. 
Jim’s apartment wasn’t too bad. I even liked it. It was nice and cozy, had a little TV. But my mind was running a hundred miles an hour. I didn’t care about the leather sofa or the TV. I was worried sick about my mom, and even more about Nikki. All this time I wanted to stay out of this problem, and now it was forced onto me. Not like I had a choice now. I had to fight. I had to find a damn job, pay my own rent…now I kinda itched to join O’Connor’s gang. At least that’d have my expenses paid.
The fish market was probably the easiest place to get in. They pay wasn’t too bad either. I couldn’t buy a Ferrari or anything, but I could pay my rent, buy some food and wait out for Nikki in comfort. On top of this, I heard the town’s gossip. See, everyone knew about the O’Connors. They pretty much did run the city up here…my mother was right.
“Personally, I’d work for that guy. Pays way better than this shit job.” One of the fishermen said as he sat down during his break. Michael sat close by, eavesdropping on the conversation.
“You’d pull the trigger for him?” another worker asked.
“Hell yeah. He’s gonna get rid of the bodies any way. Why should I care? As long as I’m getting paid, I could care less. I could finally dress in some nice suits and drive a faster car. I am just about ready to smash my Chevy truck.” He replied.
“Wanna join him that bad, go down to East end. Heard a couple of guys got jumped in over there. You’re going to hurt like a bitch, but hey, you’ll still get into his gang.” A dock worker in a yellow jacket mentioned.
“I don’t care if he’s gonna beat my ass. I want a better life for my family. Wife can’t get a decent necklace, and my kid hasn’t gotten a single toy in over a year. Everything’s been going fuckin’ downhill since then.”
“Submit your applications fellas.” One worker joked and sent a round of laughter through the group.
“Heard that back in the day there used to be some other mobsters in town and O’Connor drove out every fucking one.”
“Shit.” Another commented.
“What?” One replied.
“No, like shiiit, that’s awesome.”
Michael patiently listened and took note of the conversation, preparing to tell Nikki once she returned.

After about a week, Nikki showed up.
“Nikki.” Michael said and embraced her as soon as he opened the door. She embraced him back warmly. Michael buried his nose into her shoulder, smelling that sweet scent which was all too familiar to him by then.
“Michael…looks like you’ve been holding up pretty good.”
“Don’t worry about me alright. I’ve got a job at the market. Job looks like it’ll hold. Don’t worry. How’s your ribs?”
Nikki pulled up her shirt and showed him the bandage which covered her left ribs.
“Fuck. We’ll bring him down Nikki, don’t worry. We’ll break everything down from the inside. Look at me,”
“Michael, come on, you don’t even know-“
“Hey, just listen here…I promise you, that by the time we’re done here there isn’t going to be an O’Connor gang left to talk about.”
“Dream on Michael.” Nikki smiled affectionately and kissed his forehead.  

After a few minutes they were settled on the sofa, and Michael prepared to explain the situation to Nikki.
“Now this may be sheer luck, or the group’s just fucking with us. But I heard a couple of guys over at the market talking about getting jumped into the gang. It’s apparently down on the east end of town somewhere. I don’t know exactly. It’s the only way in….It’s going to hurt. But if we want a shot at this bastard, we’re going to have to pull through. Another thing, once we get inside, we want as little blood on our hands as possible. Cops can’t pin anything on us. We use our brains, not our brawn…got it?”
“When do we start?” Nikki smiled. Michael chuckled, and patted her shoulder.
“After you get better. Give it some time. Couple weeks, a month if we need it. We’ve still got that much time. I don’t want you hurting on the job.”
“Didn’t you just say it was going to hurt?”
“Nikki,” Michael sighed, “I’m…I’m just kinda tired right now. Let’s take it easy. Here, let’s watch some TV. Does your dad have cable?”
“Yes, so that I could watch it whenever I came up here.”
“Speaking of that….how did you know this O’Connor guy?”
“Michael, let’s just take it easy.”
“Oh, all right.” Michael said and pulled Nikki close. She winced as her elbow pressed into her rib. “Sorry.” Michael said nervously.
“It’s okay. Hey, I think Fresh Prince is on.”
He flicked the remote just as the tune to the show Fresh Prince came on.
“Well, I’m here to claim my throne too.” Michael smiled and the two kissed.   The theme song rolled on, and they smiled happy to finally be together again.
“Hey not trying to go too fast on this or nothing, but…now that you and I are here…tonight…” Michael said nuzzling closer to her.
“Hell no!”
“Come on.”
“No, my ribs hurt.”
“I’ll go slow.”
“Ugh, fine.” She smiled.


It took a while, but we followed some guys down to the far east end of town, where rumor said there was a copycat gang. Bunch of wimpy gangsters trying to imitate O’Connors. These were the guys who were going to jump us. I figured that getting to them was opening another door to getting at O’Connor.
The alleyway was dim, with the only streetlamp flickering in the distance on the lone street in eastern Bridgeport. The cab pulled up next to it, dropping off Nikki and Michael. Michael popped in some cash and the two proceeded into the alley.
“You sure this is where you guys wanted to be dropped off? I’ve heard some crazy shit happens in this alley. Just sayin’ if you change your mind I can take you back right now, free of charge.”
“Hey buddy, fuck off.” Nikki said.
“Nikki, come on.”
“What, I’m freezing I don’t have time to stand around and listen to that prick think twice about something.”
“Actually he’s asking us to think twice.”
“Let’s get this over with.”
 A cold night wind cut through their jackets, making them shiver.
“Shit, you never get weather like this in Miami.” Michael groaned.
“Whatever, we need to find these guys first.” Nikki said as they walked further into the alleyway.
“Find who?” a voice sounded, as a jacketed thug stepped out from behind them. Slowly, but surely, his Caucasian friends jumped in and surrounded the two of them.
“Look here, guys, we don’t want any trouble…we just…we just heard about you guys, and want to just join. Looking for a little initiation.”
“Initiation fuckstick? That shit doesn’t happen in this part of town. You’re either in or you’re out.”
“Hey, watch it!” Nikki piped up. “That’s my friend you’re talking to.”
“But with you, we’ll make an exception. Old man O’Connor would love himself some pussy like yours. Looks like this bitch right here’s lookin’ for some initiation. What do you boys say we give the two of ‘em some. Here’s the deal. Me and my homies are gonna beat the shit outta you for the next couple minutes. If you’re all still alive, then you get to enter our hood….deal?”
“Deal.” Nikki said. The attack began.
I was Six foot one, and there were still a bunch of guys in the gang that were taller than me. See, I was big and strong, but I sure as heck wasn’t a ninja. Most of the fight, I just tried to jump out of the way. Nikki…well Nikki was enjoying herself. That night she really revealed herself. I never knew she could fight like that. She even had two of the guys in a headlock, and they were crying. That’s how bad she gave it to ‘em. The rest were so badly bruised that they didn’t bother messing with us anymore.
“Fine, fine. I don’t know where the fuck you fuckers are from, but…you’re in!” the main gangster yelled fearfully.
“Gee thanks, that’s real nice of you.” Nikki said with a sarcastic smile, punching a mobster next to her. He doubled over, almost vomiting. 
“Look, whatever you want man. We’ve got it. You want some money? Huh? You look like you need some-“
“What was that?” Michael asks.
“I didn’t mean it like that man?”
“Mean it like what?” Nikki continued.
“Look, if you need something, just…we’re here dude. Just come on down anytime.”
“Well, you can start by getting us in with O’Connor. The guy that runs this whole fucking joint.” Nikki demanded.
 It took us one full year to get a sit down with Daniel O’Connor. The guy who killed my father. The guy was an old bandicoot, but he still wanted all the power he could get. He didn’t even let his son have any of it. Either way, we were lucky that we were let in. Most consults either got whacked or ignored.
“Michael, huh?” Daniel said as he bit into his Panini. “Gotta love this Mediterranean food. I hate the people, but man do I love their food. You know, the last guy in here was an Italian. What was his name…Scarlatti…Vito Scarlatti. A piece o’ work I tell ya.”
“Hm.” Michael said, his eyebrows furrowing, holding back a young temper that had formed within him. A sense of possession had come all of a sudden. The death of his father, and the fact that he was sitting face to face with his killer, and his mother's kidnapper, which lent gravity to his mother’s words. Slowly but surely Michael started to hate the man even more…a deep, boiling hatred from the very blood in his body.
“What’s your name, you look cute.” Daniel looked lustfully at Nikki. He was an old man, at least in his mid-60s, and yet he made such lewd comments.
“Your sister’s lesbian girlfriend. That’s me.” Nikki replied sarcastically.
“Nikki.” Michael tried to whisper. “Come on.”
“Nikki? Nikki…I once fucked a pross named Nikki. She was gorgeous. Massive tits, and that ass…phew.” He said, taking another bite into his sandwich. “So, what brings you here?”
Michael had several responses ranging from ‘Your guys hurt my girl’ all the way to ‘Because you killed my father’ but he stayed silent.
“We’re lookin’ to join your crew.” Nikki added.
“Join my crew.” He scoffed. “Can’t get in with that attitude. You’d better do me a few chores then. I’ve got to see your worth.”  Daniel leaned back into his chair and stared at them long. He wiped his mouth ever so gently with his napkin.
“Like what?” Michael added.
“Rabbit’s a bit jumpy today isn’t it? Whatever.  There’s a new bar opening down the street. I want it taken down. I didn’t approve its construction, I want it burned down. This is my fucking street, who does that fatfuck think he is?” Daniel slammed his hand down onto the table alarming  few of the others who sat around them.
By nighttime the next day Nikki had torched the bar, and even the cars next to it. We would have gotten away if it hadn’t been for the damn police.
Boom, just like that, we were in cuffs and dragged…well at least in Nikki’s case…into the interrogation rooms. Apparently the police suspected this to be potential mob activity and so the FBI was called in as well, and they rained as shitstorm down on us. But I still did my best to play the cards.
A Six foot four, blond haired FBI agent walked in, vest and all, staring triumphantly at Michael who sat almost dwarfed by the room itself. He was carrying a thick file which he threw onto the table and pulled up a seat opposite Michael.
“You had a lot of balls kid, I’ll give you that. Balls to act like a complete moron all the while thinking you could get away with it. You are damn lucky nobody died in there, otherwise sending you to juvie would be cutting you some slack.”
“Listen sir-“
“No you shut up, and listen to me. I’ve got your girlfriend in the other room over there, and she caved hours ago. We have 10 people who’ve witnessed your action and are willing to testify against you in court. So your best bet is to tell me who you’re working with.”
“Or what?”
“3 years at the least. You’re going to be eating shit off the ground…if you live to do so that is. Your choice.” The two stared intensely into each other’s faces, and a bead of sweat rolled down Michael’s forehead as he contemplated the matter. He made his decision after what seemed like a good thirty minutes.
We did the time. I figured from the start that jail was written in the fine print. O’Connor needed a way to be sure of our loyalty. What better way than to put us in prison. Here's something that needs to be understood about Bridgeport. Protocol applies, but the police don't give a shit about it. Typically, men and women are in separate prisons, but after seeing how aggressive Nikki was, they pulled some strings and forced her into the male sector, with me. I couldn't really complain. 
Prison wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Sure there were jackasses who tried to mess with us every once in a while, but for the most part, we were like young heroes. We were the prisoners’ way of telling the authorities to suck them off, they used our name to piss on their bonfire.
If we needed something, there were always guys that were ready to get them for us, and it was almost like a little family in there. Everyone supported each other. Of course, they were still scumbags, but I was still happy to make it out alive.  

When we got out, Daniel was literally waiting at the door to pick us up in his luxury car. Almost felt like an insult to be honest. Either way, I made it a point to lie about our experience in prison. Told him stories about how we were jumped almost every day and we had to fight our way out and how Nikki almost died. It was quite fun to be honest, getting inside a crime lord’s head like that. But I still managed to stay within reason.
But Daniel was too happy…he couldn’t stop talking about the crime…
“Ha! You did it, you cunts actually carried it out. That’s the way to turn your game around.” Daniel laughed twistedly, as drove in Daniel’s luxurious Bentley sedan.
“The authorities?”
“But in  the future you’d better watch your own ass. Especially you…Nikki, because you’ve got a nice one.”
Nikki was about to retort but Michael silenced her with a gentle kick to her shin.

Next four years were like this. We had to do O’Connor’s dirty work. We were the ones that would get rid of the cars after a robbery or whacking or god knows what. We’d be watching buildings and making sure nobody entered, during a sit down or smaller things like that. One guy I couldn’t stand was Daniel’s son, Robert. Such an arrogant prick. Thought he was the center of the world all the time, it’s a wonder he didn’t get whacked really. Nevertheless, O’Connor grew to trust us more and before we knew it we landed our first big job.
“Congratulations. You rookies have just been promoted. You’ve got a big job tonight.”  Rob said.
“What, washing his car?” Nikki asked frustrated.
“No, washing my ass…with your tongue. I sprinkled extra sugar on it just for you honey. Just shut the hell up and listen! He wants us to do a stick-up in North Bridgeport. Frank, his top guy, tells me that some Italian fuckin’ crew what’s their name…Rocci? Ricci? Fuck it, we’re doing a favor for our Italian friends in North end of town. Couple of mobsters are having a sit-down today and exchanging cash. That cash was supposed to go to that Bitchy…Ricci…what the fuck family. We’re collecting the cash, giving it to my old man and that’s it. It’s going to be an in and out job. Dad’s given us some untraceables. Nikki and I are going in.”
“Yeah, it means I can shoot your ass today, but tomorrow nobody knows who tore you a new one.” 
“Guns.” Michael added bluntly.  
“No, really? Maybe we should just walk in there with a huge cake, have a champagne and settle it all like that right? Of course we need fuckin’ guns!”
“Watch it.” Nikki said.
“You shut the fuck up. Now you need to sleep, get your rest, eat a snack or whatever, do it! Old man isn’t takin’ any delays.”

As Nikki and Michael returned to their apartment that night,
“Give me a knife, I’ll stab that fuck myself.” Nikki raged. “I can’t stand him talking to you like that.”
“I can’t either, but as far as we’re concerned, he’s the only link we have to Daniel. We do anything to Robert, Daniel will have both our asses. I hate his guts, but we can’t do anything about it right now. You want to go through with this?”

“Whatever you say. You’re in, I’m in.”
“Not like we have a choice.”
“Then we’re in. Let’s go grab something at McDonalds, and rendezvous with Robert.”

At exactly midnight, as the moon rose over the city, only barely illuminating the dark street down which Michael drove, the group revised their plan of attack.
“All right, it’s dark as hell out there. Nobody’s seeing us. Michael, you’re our driver, ‘cause you’re a pussy.” Robert said.
“Watch it.” Nikki warned.
“What’s the matter, can’t your boyfriend stick up for himself?”
“Where am I parked?” Michael asked.
“Right beside the sidewalk. Go dark. Turn off the car. I don’t want anybody hearing jack shit!” Robert leaned forward and glared at Michael. Outside, the streets were empty for everything but two other cars, which obviously belonged to those inside making the exchange.
They pulled up beside the bar- a little ways behind the two cars- where the exchange was going to happen, and Michael turned off the engine.
“All right, you ready?” Rob asked the rest. Nobody answered. “I take that as a yes. Let’s go.”
The crew entered the dimly lit bar.
Michael sat, looking at his watch, itching to drive off.
Michael jumped, as the crew came running out and hustled into the back seat. A cold gust of wind blew in through the open door as Nikki stepped inside.
“What the hell was that?!” Michael yelled, banging his hand on the steering wheel.
“Just drive!” Rob yelled back, and Michael pulled away from the sidewalk, racing down the street. When they were a good distance away.
“What was that?” Michael said stepping on the gas pedal.
“Just…don’t worry about it Michael.” Nikki assured.
“What do you mean, don’t worry about it. Did you kill anyone?”  Michael asked, eyes darting from one member to the other.
“So what if we did?” Robert said, moving his face up close to Michael’s.
“It was supposed to be a fuckin’ stick up! Not a hit.”
“Oh, look at this smartass, using all those big words. You’re right Mikey, it’s not a hit. But sometimes we have these things called accidents, it’s when you’re trying to do something and you fuck up! We kind of fucked up, and couldn’t leave any loose ends. So we pulled the trigger. I never said we killed anyone. Maybe we wanted to scare them. Jeez, guy’s still a fuckin’ rookie, don’t even know why my dad took him in.” Robert punched the seat out of frustration.
“Shut up!” Nikki said and grabbed him by his collars, jamming him against the seat. In a flash the rest of two of the gangsters pointed their guns directly at her. Robert had a pistol pushed against her rib which was injured. Another pointed his pistol at Michael. Her temples bulged, and her eyes were flushed with blood.
“Nikki, just calm the fuck down!” Michael yelled, his temple pulsing, He struggled to keep his eyes on the road as his friend sat in a near death situation in the back seat.
“Do not tell me to calm down! This guy’s a fuckin’ prick!”
“Nikki! Let him go! I’m telling you, do you want me to get my head blown off?”
Nikki reluctantly released him fuming inside. She breathed deeply and her chest heaved in anger.
“gaaah!” Nikki yelled as Robert slammed his gun into her injured rib.
“That’s right, you’d better know your fucking place. You aren’t worth shit yet.”
“All right let’s just take it easy.” Michael said, keeping his eyes on the road.
“What are the chances they’re going to get back at us?” Nikki asked.
“They don’t know who we work for.” Robert replied. “As far as they’re concerned, we’re just street thugs. They’re too damn busy to bring down street thugs. We just need to get the damn cash to my father! Do you mind driving a little faster?!” he goaded and kicked Michael’s seat.
“What’s the hurry?” Michael asked sarcastically. He was already upset about the turn of events.
“The sit-down is at 7:30 at the warehouse pier, that’s what, so step on it!”

Within a few minutes, they’d arrived at the O’Connor mansion and Michael screeched the SUV to a halt. They got out and sprinted to the front door, where Daniel was already waiting, greedily, with a wide smile on his face.
“Look at these two, pulling jobs like second nature.” Daniel commented, patting our shoulders. “Money’s ready to go. You’re not invited to the sit-down with the Ricci crew.”
“That’s what his name was, fuckin’ Ricci. Can’t get those damn Italian names right.”
“Watch it.” Daniel said to his son. “You mouth off at the sit down, I’ll gut you. I don’t give a damn if you’re my son or not.”
“What? The Italian names-“
“Shut the fuck up!” Daniel yelled. “Let’s go!”

 It was obvious that Robert was praising Nikki more than me. He’d always put her on a job before me, and try his best to show that she was better. Personally, I was a bit worried for Nikki. She was growing more aggressive every day. I didn’t want her to get carried away, we were here for something completely different. We had almost gotten used to doing the same jobs over and over again. Watching the buildings, doing stick-ups, robbing people, setting places on fire, and all that bullshit. But one day Daniel just turned everything up a Notch.
See, the fact of the matter was, the O’Connor gang wasn’t the only gang in Bridgeport. It had the most territory, but then there were the Italians and Russians. The Romanoff crew from West end was having some bad blood with the DeLuca crew from up north. One of the Italians was giving the Russians some serious trouble…Mafia business. They were beyond reasoning and wanted O’Connors to help them get rid of the guy for good.

It was a cold wintry night, as Daniel O’Connor’s Lincoln pulled up beside the old Irish Pub, which was now empty, except for Vladimir Romanoff, the capo of the Romanoff crew. His BMW was parked in the side lot, and his fellow mob members stood around him at the table. Daniel climbed out, accompanied by Robert and Lawrence, and old friend of his from Vito Scarlatti’s time.
“Sorry I’m late gentlemen.” Daniel smiled, and sat down. “Would you like a drink?”
“Yes. I’d like a drink of that bastard’s blood. The one who killed my cousin.” Vladimir replied.  He was wearing a black sweater and dress pants. A star shaped tattoo was on his neck.
“Now let’s settle down. What exactly is the problem? I know you had a few sit-downs with Henry-“
“Henry DeLuca is a scumbag. He doesn’t give a shit about us, he just wants his gang to be the most powerful in Bridgeport. It’s bad for you too.”
“Let’s keep this about you. Who is causing the problem?”
“Anthony Ricci.”
“Tony…I’ve never heard anything good about him.”
“Because there is nothing good about him. He goes out, gets high on drugs and comes and kills my brothers. We’ve tried reasoning with DeLuca and his band of goons for a long time. I give up, I want Anthony Ricci’s head in my hands.”
“You want us to take care of it?”
“Why not yourself? Let’s understand our places here.”
“Because my gang is not ready for gang war, but I am still ready to kill Anthony Ricci. So that is why I need your help.”
“What do you have in return?”
“Weapons. Ak-47s, Pistols, tons of things, and hard cash 100 thousand dollars.”
“Where is he going to be?”
“330 east street. Empty office building there. He meets with his groupies to smoke. Kill him, and bring me his head.”
The two men shook hands and strode out, not conversing again, as if they didn’t know each other.
“I’m sending you and Nikki. Nikki is a valuable tool, we need to sharpen her. Soon enough she’ll be our best hit woman, and we can mint some money off her. Keep him out of it. Separate the two, I hate seeing the two together.” Daniel told his son as they got back into their car. Vladimir’s BMW drove off in the distance.

Michael and Nikki stood in line in McDonalds, deciding which entrée to order.
“The McMuffin. I swear, that stuff is delicious.”
“I’m really not that hungry Michael, why did we even come here.”
“Fine we’ll have fries then.”
“Let’s share the ketchup. You know, for old time’s sake.” Nikki smiled, but the two were unaware of the cashier calling them forward.
“Hey, would you to get a move on? We’ve got places to go.”
Nikki spun around and grabbed the man by his collar. He was much shorter than her.
“Why the fuck are you even here fatass? Clogging your arteries with this food and wondering why you’re overweight and get a heart attack?”
“Nikki, take it easy.”
“No, Michael, no. This guy-“
“I’m sorry sir, we’ll just be done in a sec.”
“Fries ma’am.” Michael smiled and said politely to the lady at the front who had been staring wide-eyed at Nikki.
Nikki’s cellphone buzzed. She was texted.
“Says I’ve got to meet Robert at Pablo’s. That Spanish Restaurant a couple blocks from here.”
“This late?”
“Looks like it. Should I come?”
“I think he wants me alone.”
“Behave.” Michael said and patted her shoulder.

Robert walked up beside Nikki and beckoned her into the restaurant, just as she crossed the street, walking onto the path directly adjacent to the restaurant.
“All right, our guy’s going to be here. 330 East Street. Abandoned building. We show up there bright and early tomorrow and we have to be waiting for him. Can’t get him after his buddies show up. You and me are doing this. You know what this involves?”
“You want me to kill him.”
“I’ll do it. Why’re you leaving Michael out if it?”
“Why the fuck do you care?”
Nikki fumed at his disrespect but kept her anger in check, remembering Michael’s words.

The next morning, the Nikki and Robert sat waiting in a black Ford, parked away in the alleyway, directly opposite 330 East.
A hooded man walked along the sidewalk towards the corner of 330, and leaned against an adjacent pillar.
“You ready?” Robert asked.
Nikki nodded and got her pistol ready. The two got out of the car. They were wearing hoodies as well, and pulled the hoods down low over their faces. To any onlooker they just looked like ordinary street punks.
“Hey Anthony, how ‘bout a smoke?” Robert asked. The man turned, and Nikki immediately pulled out her pistol firing into his chest. She fired two shots into him, dropping the gun, freezing.
“Fuck!” Nikki yelled, and dropped to the ground, throwing the pistol aside.
“What?!” Robert yelled frustrated.
“That’s the second fucking person I’ve seen dying. This time I fucking did it! Why did you make me do it?!” Nikki yelled, and grabbed Robert, punching him in the face, throwing him to the icy ground. She mounted him and prepared to punch his face in, when he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at her face.
“Get your fucking act together! We have a job to do! You want the cops to catch up, even worse, his friend?!”
Nikki sobbed. She may have been a punk, but she was not a killer…yet.
“Whoa, you’re not turning your back now are you?” Robert said and pulled his pistol out, pointing it at her head. “I want you to load your gun again and empty another magazine into his head. Shoot him again, or I’ll blow your fucking brains out. Go on.” He goaded.
Nikki reluctantly loaded her gun again, and without looking at the body fired all the bullets into the body.
“I said I wanted you to fire the bullets into his head. Try again.”
Nikki held her breath and fired all the bullets in the magazine into the already dead Anthony DeLuca’s head.
“Good, now look at it. Look at him, that’s your fuckin’ kill. You don’t know how much weight you took off the Russian guy’s shoulders.”
“I can’t do this.” Nikki said and dropped to her knees. Hesitantly, Robert went down to his knees beside her.
“Here, come on. It’s going to be okay. We’ll load his body into the trunk, take it to the meat shop and forget about it.” He tried to put his arm around Nikki’s shoulder but was shoved away. “The hell?! I’m here trying to cheer you-“
“Cheer me up? After this!?”

We only grew apart over the years. Pretty soon, I was sitting at home, and Nikki was going everywhere. She’d travel across the country to Las Vegas on some errands for Daniel, or she’d assist him with some other job downtown. I was literally chopped liver.
Michael stepped out into the street beside the apartment complex. He’d been stuck inside watching TV and without much to do, and decided to get some fresh air. Behind him, a black Lincoln rolled into sight. Daniel had kept a close eye on Michael and did not want his influence to cause Nikki to stray from becoming the psychopath he wanted her to be. This was the final blow. The tires screeched as the car raced forward and took Michael by surprise. His body hurtled over the hood and rolled to the side as Daniel drove away.
Boom! That was it, I was stuck in the hospital. One minute far away, next minute almost dead. Nurse said it was pretty bad and that I was going to have to stay there a while. My plans were falling apart. With Nikki basically gone, I was a one man team. Nobody for back up. There was only one way left to turn.
FBI AGENT Harold Fitzgerald had devoted himself to breaking down the O’Connor gang since the passage of the RICO laws. Sadly, such laws were useless to him as the O’Connors were so skilled at covering their tracks. In the past 5 years that he’d been assigned to them, he hadn’t been able to pin a single crime or charge that could stick. His luck was about to change.
“Yes…Mr. Scarlatti? On the O’Connors? Of course.”

Michael lay on his hospital bed. He was set to be discharged in a few more days, and was eager to meet his former FBI contact.
“Uh, excuse me, Michael? Dr. Liddell is here to see you.” The nurse said.
“I’m sorry, there must be some mistake, my doctor is Dr. Johnson.”
“He says he needs to urgently talk to you about your condition.”
Michael sighed and propped himself up against the hospital bed.
‘Dr.Lidell’ otherwise known as FBI Agent Harold Fitzgerald, strode in, shutting the door behind him and pulling the shutters closed, and the curtain around the bed. He pulled the chair next to the bed directly next to Michael.
“I’ve got some stuff that can help you, but I’m only giving it if you can help me.” Michael said, getting right to the point.
Michael began listing information like a broken record. Robberies, arson cases, hits, and such that would be of value to the FBI.
“Looks like I knocked some sense into your head. “ Fitzgerald said.
“But sir, I have one request...don’t bring them down just yet. For my sake.”
“No promises. I work for the government, not you.” He said pursing his lips and looking down at his papers. “But how about this. You help me, and I give you a clean slate.” He nodded at the proposal.
“Thank you sir, but please-“
“Like I said, no promises.” He shook his head, leaning back into the chair and arching his neck back, looking at the ceiling.
“Sir, please. Let me say one other thing. Vito Scarlatti was my father. I never knew him, and it’s all because of that bastard there, in your file, Daniel O’Connor. He even sent men down to my place in Miami to take my mother. He hurt my family. It’s only fair that I should bring him down. I’ll hand him to you in a silver platter. It’ll take a little longer, but I need to do this. Give me your blank check for a while and I’ll have O’Connor for you.  You have all this information now, imagine how easy it’ll be to pin him once I hand him over. It’s…an obligation for me…just-”
“Fine. But as of now, you and I do not know each other. If you need to see me, come back to this hospital and ask for Dr. Liddell, and give them this card. Beyond this, there is no official connection between the two of us. With that said, I thank you again for what you’ve done. You’ve made the right decision in helping your people.”
“My pleasure.”
Fitzgerald nodded and headed out of the hospital room, with his file in hand. The information was available, and he itched to pin it on Daniel, but there needed to be something substantial. Some crime, something for which there existed solid evidence. Perhaps Michael’s vendetta would lead him to what he was looking for.

Nikki showed up the next day.
“Nikki, what happened to you.”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
She was a mess. I mean she was a real mess. Hair was scraggled, eyes were watery, and she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. I hadn’t seen her since I’d gotten into the hospital.
“Come on Nikki, I haven’t seen you in-“
“6 fuckin’ weeks I know. I’ve been busy!”
“Take it easy. Nikki, you’re acting like you don’t even know who I am.”
“Fuck.” Nikki sniffled and pulled herself together. “How’ve you been Mike?”
“Coming along. Just stuck in this shithole for a few more days, and then I’m heading home. Can you give me a ride?”
“Sure. Look I really gotta go.”
“You just got here though, what’s wrong Nikki?”
“Nothing’s wrong okay? I’m fuckin’ all right.”
“You know Nikki, if you’re so damn mad at me why did you even bother coming?”
“‘Because I had to. If it were up to me I’d still be out there. I have a job to do, and so far you’ve been keeping your ass out of it.”
“What exactly is your job Nikki? Do you even fuckin’ remember why we got into this?”
“Yes, so we could bring that that old maggot and clip his balls for what he did to your family. But from what I’ve seen, he’s clipped your balls so bad you don’t even show up.”
“Jeez Nikki, it’s not my damn fault that he doesn’t put me on any jobs. In the past month, the most he’s had me do was follow a guy. I feel like some rookie again.”
“Should’ve known you were useless.”
“Useless? Nikki, what’s he done to you?”
“You know Michael, I may hate the O’Connors just as much as you do, but there’s one thing they got right. You’re a goddamn pussy!”  
“Shut the fuck up!” Michael roared, almost snagging his IV lines on the hospital table.
“You shut up!”
The nurse strode in.
“Is everything all right?”
“It was until you got here.” Nikki retorted.
“Everything’s fine ma’am. No worries.” Michael said ushering her out.

“What’s gotten into you? It’s been 7 weeks and you’ve turned into some….gah, I can’t even describe it.”
“So now you’re judging me. Can’t even describe me huh? I’m that ugly?”
“Nikki, I’m only concerned.”
“Fuck your concern!”
“If you were concerned, you’d have showed up. I’m better off with O’Connor’s crew.”
“Nikki, I…I don’t even know you anymore. You look like some druggie, what’ve you been drinking?”
“Yeah Mike, I’ve been drinking. I even did some coke. So what? It’s better than sitting there waiting for a friend who’ll never show up. You know what else I did? I killed people Mike. I did something you could never do. O’Connor toughened me up, so I wouldn’t end up a pussy like you. I actually have what it takes to play the part, you don’t!”
“Nikki, we’re not gangsters. We’re supposed to be bringing O’Connor down.”
“Fuck you.” Nikki said and left. “Oh, I almost forgot. Here’s a get well card.” She said and threw it at Michael’s face.
I didn’t know Nikki anymore. She was gone. She’d even moved out of the apartment. Daniel had gotten into her head and used her against me. My accident had been part of the plan. The further away I was the better it was for him. Worst of all, I couldn’t believe how she could like that egomaniac Robert. It was hopeless, I was really on my own now.
Just a few months after all that, I was back in my apartment, and like she said, watching my stupid TV. Daniel hadn’t contacted me yet, and Nikki was hardly ever there. I heard the door open last night and I’m guessing it was her, but I was asleep. My plan’s just come to a stand-still. But one day I get the most random visit…
Michael sat watching the news jadedly, when there was a knock on the door…something he hadn’t gotten in a while.  He stood and walked to the door, and a drunken Robert stumbled in.
“Ha-ha!” Robert laughed maniacally.
“Rob, what the fuck?”
“What the fuck? Ha! She’s ours now man, no turning back now! She’s ours.”
“Robert, you’re drunk. Sit down and cool it! What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about Nikki.” Robert smiled and pushed his finger into Michael’s chest.
“What about her?” Michael replied, his heart beating faster.
“My old man’s made her our bitch! Last night, she sliced off this guy’s schlong and fed it to our dog. She butchered the corpse…Man your bitch’s doin’ so well I can’t watch her without barfing. I had to get fucking drunk when we were cutting up the body. Man I’m gonna tell you stories that’ll make your brain rip into pieces. Never thought your girl was up to it huh? Well, she’s OUR fucking girl now! She’s ours!”  Robert yelled, waving his arms about in an ecstatic manner.
Before he left, he pulled out a picture of Nikki that he’d taken. A nice one, and he set it on fire just as he left. As I watched the picture burn, I knew I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. Nikki wasn’t my friend anymore. She may have hated O’Connor, but she hated the way I wanted to fight him. She was on her own now.

“Oi, look who’s back!” Daniel laughed as Michael entered his apartment.
I hadn’t seen him in 3 years. His face was wrinkled, and he looked rotten from all the smoking. 3 goddamn years and he picked today of all days.
“Yup.” Michael said dully.
“After all this time huh?” Daniel added sarcastically.
“Yeah. Where’s Nikki?” Michael stared into Daniel’s face, his gaze burning into Daniel’s cold eyes.
“Oh, she had some business.” Daniel waved off.
“What business? What the hell did you do the Nikki?”
“Nikki has her own life to lead now Michael, and I really would wish you’d understand that.”
“I understand one thing here. You’re a fuckin’ scumbag. You let me into your crew, make me your bitch and everything, and all of a sudden you cut me loose like I was nothing. What’s worse? You fucked with my friend!” Michael yelled, the veins on his neck bulging, his voice quaking with rage.
“Oh we fucked her real good. Her ass was too fine.” Daniel added insensitively, shaking with anger.
“You piece of shit!” Michael yelled and lunged at Daniel. Two mobsters instantly tackled Michael and pinned him to the ground.
“Bring the two in.”
Nikki and another man, slightly taller and huskier were brought into the room. Nikki didn’t even bother to look at Michael, as he was brought into the living room, where the she and Michael used to spend time not too long ago. Outside, the wind blew and the windows creaked under the pressure, and the sky grew dark.
“Now Michael, this man here also did what you just did to me. He disrespected me.”
Nikki kicked the man’s legs and he doubled over and fell in pain. His mouth was gagged.
“Let me show you what happens to people who disrespect me.” Daniel sneered.
Nikki kicked his head, knocking him to the ground. She pulled out her pistol, whipping it across his face. He screamed in pain as blood rolled down his nose.
“Shut up.” Nikki said and smashed the butt of the gun into his forehead. She did so repeatedly, until blood covered her hands, and the man was just barely alive. She pinned the man down with her knees, preparing her pistol,
“Do it.” Daniel said.
“That quickly.”
“I’ll leave that up to you.”
Nikki shot his arm, and shot his chest. The man twitched in pain barely able to even scream. He writhed in agony much to Michael’s horror. Nikki pointed the pistol to his head, and pulled his head up with her other hand. She leaned in close, and pulled the trigger. Blood spewed across the carpet, and onto the walls. Nikki’s entire right side was drenched in the man’s blood as she tossed the gun across.  Michael grew pale as she ever so slightly turned her head towards him, and smiled. Blood rolled down her head onto her already stained black leather jacket and black jeans.
“Shoulda given me a knife. I would have taught this prick a real lesson.”  Nikki sneered a very heartless smile.
“Ugh!” Michael retched and vomited on the floor.
“Can you believe this prick?!” Nikki yelled. “If you want to puke, go to the balcony.” Michael stood up, clutching the wall beside him. However, ever so slyly he pulled his cellphone out, and activated the camera and took a few snapshots of the carnage. He then turned on the video and began to record the conversation.
“Why?” Michael panted, as he stepped over his own vomit.
“Why? Because he was a fucking rat, and a disrespectful prick, that’s why. Actually feels bad for Anthony Ricci.” One of Daniel’s mobsters roared.
“Let me ask you a question. Why the fuck did you think a pussy like yourself could make the fuckin team?” another gangster asked.
“I wanted to clip his balls.” Nikki said staring contemptuously at the dead man.
“Who’s balls?” Daniel asked.
“This fuck’s.”
“I was hoping you were referring to Michael over there.” Daniel said through squinted eyes.
“I’ll fuckin’ deal with him later.”
They butchered the body, and Daniel made me watch. It was Nikki who did the whole thing. Can’t believe what kind of a psycho he’d turned her into. But I kept my mouth shut and recorded the whole thing on my cellphone. I wanted nothing more than to see Daniel’s ass in jail, better yet on a spike.  
After the carnage was over…
“So, Michael, I’m sure I’ve made a point.” Daniel said as Nikki spat in the background.
“Yeah. What do you want me to do.”
“An associate of mine is bringing in weapons from Florida. I’d like you to go and collect them. He’s doing it down in south end. Go with Nikki.”

“What the fuck did you think you were doing?!” Michael yelled.
“Shut up and drive the fucking car.”
“No, you answer my question. You beat the guy to fuckin’ death and then shot him, and even had the damn guts to butcher him.”
“Drive the fucking car!” Nikki yelled and pulled out her gun. Her knuckles whitened as her grip tightened on the gun.
“Whatever Nikki, you’re goddamn hopeless. Do whatever the fuck you want.” Michael shook his head in frustration, and turned the other direction.
“That’s right. I’ll do whatever the fuck I want and I don’t need you riding me every second.” Nikki waved her gun at Michael.
“Yeah, yeah. Only time I ever rode you was in bed.”
Nikki couldn’t help but to chuckle.
They drove their black Cadillac 5 miles to the south end of Bridgeport to a grocery store that was closing up for the night.
“He told me we had to take the back entrance.” Nikki said, as Michael unloaded the suitcase of money.
“Yeah, yeah.”
Nikki pulled out her pistol and had it at her side. Michael approached the back door to the store and pulled on it. It opened and inside waited three men, two of whom were armed and the third sat at a table.
“Where’re the weapons?” Michael demanded, being blunt.
“Where’s my money?” the dealer smiled, revealing rotten yellow teeth.
“I asked first.” Michael said to the man.
“Fine. They’re in the cupboard. Show me the money.”
Michael put the suitcase on the table and immediately the two burly men pointed their guns at him.
“DeLuca gave us a better price. But we’d always like to have more.” The man at the table sneered. “We’re done here. There are no weapons in the cupboard.”
“Put your guns down, or I’ll clip both your balls.” Nikki said.
“Look at little miss bodyguard here!” the man at the table chuckled. Nikki, without hesitation shot one of the two men in the back, and pulled Michael behind her. Before the other man could fire, she fired two shots into him. Blood sprayed across the room, and the man at the table was left, cowering on the ground.
“Who did you give the weapons to?!” Michael yelled.
“H…hee..he didn’t tell me-“  the short dealer quivered, bending down. “ppllease…god no…” 
“Bullshit!” Nikki retorted. “Tell my friend who you gave it to, or I’m going to put one in your fucking ass.”
“I…it…it was some…Henry DeLuca. Fred…I don’t know anything more, please. Don’t kill me, please!!!” he cowered down. Nikki pressed her gun into the man’s head.
“Nikki.” Michael glared at her.
“Just this fucking once Nikki, listen to me!” Michael yelled at her.
Nikki sighed and pulled the gun back.
“You’re alive because of him.” She said and smashed her foot into his head. He cried out in pain and collapsed, unconscious.
“Let’s go.” Michael said.
As the two left,
“He’s going to be shit-ass pissed.” Michael said. The night chill set in and the streets were dark except for the pale moonlight which fell over the two of them.
“Yeah, I want to whack that fuck.”
“Which fuck?”
“The guy who he gave the weapons to. Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill this one. You’re a fucking pussy. Shoulda killed you in the apartment.”
“Whatever. You had my back there, inside…I guess-“
“Look Michael, we’re still on the same team. I still…we still have each other’s backs. But I still think you’re a fuck, and that you should’ve left the group a long time ago.” Nikki sighed, but didn’t make eye contact with him.
Michael didn’t reply and just turned away and walked towards the car.

Daniel was looking to grow a little bigger, and that meant pushing the Italians out of the neighborhood. The DeLuca crew wasn’t going to be too happy about that. The weapons they stole never made it home. Neither did the guy who tried to steal it for them. Nikki whacked him. So Daniel knew there would be a gang war, and got the weapons ready. Nonetheless, the DeLucas were still a royal pain in the ass. They whacked Daniel’s men left and right. Their Capo was mad and he was not about to let up. So I kept pressing for a sit-down.
“Daniel,” Michael started, as himself, Daniel, Robert, Nikki and a few others sat down in Daniel’s basement, around the card table.
“What happened do Mr. O’Connor?” Daniel scowled. Nikki loomed behind him, and stared blankly into Michael.
“Mr. O’Connor. With all due respect, it’s not good for an all-out gang war. We are big inside this city, but not on this side of the country. The DeLuca’s are Italians. They have connections all over the East Coast. We’ll be crushed. Now is not the time.”
“Fuck that dad, don’t listen to that prick. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Robert piped up.
“And you do?” Daniel said. “Know when to keep your mouth shut. You’re hardly a captain and-“
“Sorry dad, I got it. I’m fuckin’ sorry.” Robert replied sarcastically, much to Daniel’s annoyance.
“Get him out of here.” Daniel gestured to the other men in the room who hustled Daniel out. “You want a sit-down, again with the DeLuca crew. My boy, you are missing the point. We have the ammunition, the bullets. We do not need a sit-down or a compromise. Sit-downs are for the weak. When the power is in our hands, we need to use it. Something you are yet to learn.”
“But Mr. O’Connor, your whole joint here, could potentially collapse. That is a risk we don’t need to take.”
“Won’t come to that point. I suggest you stop worrying and start observing. You still have a lot to learn.”
Michael reluctantly stood up and walked out of the room. Robert jumped out, and pinned Michael against a wall.
“Hey fuckstick, where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“Listen to me. You keep your goddamn head out of my dad’s business.”
“Last time I checked, he didn’t want yours in it either.”
“Piece of shit!” Robert yelled, and jammed his knee into Michael’s stomach. He punched his shoulder and threw him against the opposite wall.
“Hey!” someone yelled, it was Nikki. Her pistol was drawn and she had it pointed at Robert. “Get the hell away from him. Now!”
“Gah.” Michael grunted and bent over.
“You okay?” Nikki asked pulling him up.

The plan opened up for me. I figured I could speak to Agent Fitzgerald and he could get me in the cahoots with the DeLuca’s Capo, I could tell him that Daniel wanted a sit-down even though he really didn’t. All I had to do was get Daniel to go where the DeLucas were holed up and the FBI could hit two birds in one stone. It sure as hell wouldn’t be easy, but it was the only way I could bring Daniel down at this point. But it meant one thing…I had to betray Nikki.
Michael Scarlatti pulled up alongside a bakery at midnight. It was a cold October night. He sat waiting for Agent Fitzgerald’s car.

After a few minutes a black Dodge Charger pulled up on the other side of the road and Fitzgerald stepped out. Michael climbed out of his car and started walking towards Fitzgerald.
“Here’s my phone. Thing’s laced with pictures of hits of all that hot stuff you’re looking for. Do you have the DeLuca capo ready to go.”
“He wouldn’t believe me when I asked him. So I decided it was best to have you tell it to him. He’s waiting in the car.”
Henry DeLuca sat inside Fitzgerald’s car, with a scowl on his face. A fat Cuban cigar protruded from his oblong mouth, and he inhaled deeply, and billowed out a gargantuan puff of smoke, just as Michael sat in the car.
“So this is the shithead who wants us to have a sit-down. I’ve been stabbed through the heart, twice! We’re supposed to talk.”  His face cringed in anger, almost tearing his cigar in half with his teeth.
“Hey, Mr. DeLuca, with all due respect, you really aren’t in a position to fight O’Connor. He’s got more ammo, more men, more everything...I hate to tell you but…it’s probably your best way out of it.” Michael put his hands forth as a gesture of being reasonable.
“He killed my nephew!” Henry pulled the cigar out of his mouth and waved it about.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I know you were close-“ Michael said and pursed his lips, immediately regretting it. It would be difficult to negotiate with him.
“Close? He was almost a son to me!”
“I understand.”
“Like hell you do!” DeLuca snarled and grabbed a  handful of the seat fabric.
“Look, Mr. DeLuca, do you want to go to war with the O’Connors? Do you? ‘cause if you want to so badly, go ahead! Get your ass kicked!”
“You watch your damn mouth!”
“Look, I know Mr. O’Connor hit you and a personal level. I get it, but you need to get yourself through this alive. Best way to do it is negotiation. Come to a compromise or something. Bring up your nephew situation. It will work out, I assure you. I’ll even talk to him about it.”
DeLuca stared lividly at Michael for a few seconds before slowly nodding his head.
“Alright, but if anything gets fucked up, I’m clipping your balls first, nobody else’s. Not even Daniel’s.”  Henry said almost pressing his cigar into Michael’s face.
“Fine.” Michael nodded curtly to both of them, and stepped outside with Fitzgerald.
“Where’s the meet?”  DeLuca said, leaning out of the car.
“I’ll leave that up to you. Daniel is a reasonable guy.”
“The dock, in the warehouse, two days from now, this time.”
“Alright, I’ll let him know.”  Michael nodded. Henry slammed the door shut.

“You’ll handle O’Connor?” Fitzgerald asked.
“I’ll tell him DeLuca wants to go to war…tell him there’s an ambush or something at the dock…Daniel will come in there, guns blazing. You have tons of shit to arrest him on, and well DeLuca…that’s your problem.”
“Thanks for-“
“Don’t mention it.” Michael said, waving his hand, not even bothering to look back.

I talked him into it. Daniel bought into all of it, surprisingly. I couldn’t help but be surprised with how easy it had been. This was a mafia don, and all it took was some kid hardly in college to talk him into a full scale gang war. Either way, things were going the way I wanted them to, so I left them be. But Nikki, I still had to give her a chance.
Michael pulled up alongside the sidewalk beside DeBell’s Kitchen in the Mercedes he’d borrowed from O’Connor. He turned to Nikki. The streets were nearly empty. It was as if they had the whole city to themselves for that one moment.
“Nikki, I’m ask something of you as a friend, and I would really like you to do it, without any questions. Get it, no questions.” 
“What?” Nikki snapped.
“Nikki, please.”  Michael turned over in his seat.
“What Michael? If it’s one of your complaints about how I’m just doing my job-“ she clenched her hands into a fist.
“No. It’s not. I need you to get a ticket. Buy one out of the city. Go far away, as far as you can, out of the country if possible. Just get the hell out of Bridgeport. Don’t ask why. Just do it, please, for me.” He put a hand on her shoulder, which she was quick to shake off.
“Please, for me.” Nikki mocked. “I know why you want me to do this Michael, you’ve got something planned on that day don’t you. What, some cop invasion. Either way, I’ve sworn I’d stick my neck out for these guys if I had to. I’m not about to go back on that.”
“Nikki, do you even remember why we came here?”
“Yes, to bring them down. Now the best fucking way to do that if for me to play my part. Daniel’s going to be goddamn suspicious if I just hightail it out of here tonight without telling anyone.”  Nikki said and stared out at the street, anger in her eyes.
“Nikki, do you really think it matters?”
“Yes, it does fucking matter! What’ll happen to you?” Nikki asked, and for a second Michael sat transfixed, surprised that Nikki still had an iota of concern left for him.
“I’ll be okay.”
“No you won’t!”
Michael sighed, seeing that his efforts would be useless.
“Just thought I’d tell you.”
“I’ll go Michael.”
Before he could finish his sentence, Nikki pulled his face close, and kissed his lips deeply. She hurriedly removed her leather jacket, shirt and pants, and climbed atop him, kissing his neck, stark naked. Michael ran his hands up Nikki’s waist, feeling her body for perhaps the last time. He ran his hands up her breasts and caressed them. Nikki moaned and arched her back in pleasure.
They continued for what felt like hours, until they both sat, panting with exhaustion.
“I’ll go, I have to anyway.”  Nikki said, licking her lips, sitting naked in her seat.

The day came and went by quite drearily for Michael. He was forced to stay out of the matter, but inside he had to confront the future, the harsh reality of what could happen. If Nikki had heeded his words and left the city, his heart could at least be somewhat at peace.
The clock ticked by as Daniel and his gang prepared their weapons, and revising their plans. Michael drove around the city a little and came back and took a nap. Anything to pass the time.

“All right boys, we’re out. Let’s go!” he heard Daniel yelling from downstairs. Michael didn’t bother to get up…for some time. After a few minutes, he found it hard to stay asleep and got up, and saw a note by his bedside. The event sent waves of anxiety through his stomach.
I have an apology to make. A big one. First, I treated you like shit after all that you did for me. I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me for that, or if I even deserve to be forgiven. Either way, I’m sorry…I really am. And also for lying to you earlier. Nobody came down to Miami. When you left for Tampa your mom wouldn’t leave me alone and forced me to lie to you about her kidnapping so you’d go up to Bridgeport. I got you into all of this Michael and I’m really sorry. If we don’t see each other again after today, always remember, I love you more than anything.

Michael was past everything by this point. He’d come a long way, too far to feel angry or frustrated. He just wanted to be finished.
He walked downstairs, picked up a pair of keys and decided to drive down to the dock and watch the final stage of his plan unfold.

He got there shortly after DeLuca crew arrived. O’Connor had some plan in his head. He wanted to surprise them. Hidden in the shadows was Fitzgerald’s Charger. Michael parked in the shadow of another brick building.  
Slowly out of the darkness rolled 3 of O’Connor’s cars. The cars proceeded onto the dock to the warehouse. The men ever so slowly opened their does and stepped out, under the cover of the shadows. Michael could make out the guns in their hands.
Fitzgerald, the tallest of the group waved his hand and three of the men sprinted to one side of the entrance to the warehouse. The other three stood to the left side, and prepared to raid the area. He saw Fitzgerald bounce up and down to keep cadence, and on the count of three, they rushed in.
Michaels stepped out and jogged closer to the warehouse, enough to vaguely hear some argument.
Michael jogged further to a row of cattails and ducked behind them, watching.
“Mr. Daniel O’Connor, you are under arrest by the order of the FBI! I want you and the rest of your cohorts to step out of there, with your hands up! Drop your weapons on the ground.”
Daniel must have muttered something, but all Michael saw was gunfire. Daniel didn’t comply. Fitzgerald and the other agents fired in retaliation mercilessly picking off the crew. Michael squinted his eyes trying to make sure Nikki wasn’t there but alas,
I saw her.

Rage flooded through Michael’s veins. He jumped to his feet and raced towards the tarmac where the carnage had taken place. Blood painted the ground of the warehouse. The FBI agents had just fired their last round when Michael showed up.
“Where is she?!” Michael yelled. The agents turned in surprise and aimed their weapons at him.
“It’s all good, he’s with me.” Fitzgerald piped up.
“Like hell it’s all good! Where’s my friend?!”
“I- Your friend? What the hell?” Fitzgerald scoffed out of confusion. “You wait till now-“
But Michael ignored him and ran to the bodies to search for Nikki. But it was Daniel and Robert both dead lying side by side who caught Michael’s eye first. He looked upon them with scorn and stepped through the pool of blood that lay under them. In the back…away from the rest…lay Nikki.
“No!!!! Nikki! Oh god no!” Michael ran up to her body, and out of desperation propped her head up against his knee. “Nikki!” her eyes opened slowly and she wheezed.
“M…Michael…Hey…” she managed to smile. “I did good didn’t I?” she asked.
“Couldn’t have done better…Nikki, I thought you said you’d leave…in the note.”
“I am leaving Michael…just not the way you thought I would.”
“I love you Michael.” She ran her bloodied hand along his cheek, as she breathed her last. Blood stained Michael’s hands as he held Nikki’s body for one last time.
I brought down O’Connor. Made my mom proud probably. Fulfilled 3 generations worth of revenge, but for what? For Nikki? My childhood friend? There is never an easy way out of this business. In some ways I’m no better than my own dad, or that scumbag Daniel. I murdered Nikki, not Fitzgerald.
If only I’d Known…