Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Serendipity: A Pirate Story

Part 1
There once was a kingdom, many, many years ago named Estrella. It was located on a pleasant, warm coastline. The weather was wonderful year round, and never ceased to please those who lived there. Flowers grew in the fields, and trees sprouted delicious fruits. Estrella was a kingdom of abundance.
In that kingdom lived a fair maiden, Ereina. Perhaps she was the most beautiful of them all. So fair, buxom, and tall. Her golden hair undulated like the waves of the sea, her blue eyes resembled the color of the water, and her body was as shiny as the pebbles of the sea shore. One would easily think that the sea itself gave birth to her. Sadly, her persona did not mimic such magnificence. Inside she was an arrogant, self-centered, greedy woman. She believed the world revolved around her, and always expected the best for herself, leaving very little for those around her. Hence, the people of the kingdom only appreciated her as a figurehead. It was quite unfortunate that Ereina was not acquainted with this fact. But all the blame must not be put on her shoulders.
                Erey, father of Ereina, king of Estrella was no better. He too was a very selfish man. He had only married his queen to expand his kingdom. He only made friends with others if they were rich. He had very little value for human nature. Ereina was simply a product of his parenting. Erey was planning to marry Ereina to the Rich prince of Montanero, so that his kingdom would expand once again. Whether Ereina was comfortable with the choice he did not know…but then again, he did not care. He was so focused on the marriage that he had spent the past four months planning, rehearsing, rehashing, and redoing. The marriage had to be perfect. Or else, Estrella would not double in size. Or else, he would not acquire the precious dowry from the prince’s family. He was busy ordering his assistants around, asking them to make final preparations for the prince’s arrival. Little did he know that there would be a major turn of events.
                Ereina lay in the bathtub, naked, caressing her body with the finest of soaps, letting the warm water massage her skin. Occasionally she would look down at her body and tell her self, “I am with no doubt, the fairest maiden of them all.” Before continuing to scrub her body. She was getting married. What would the prince be like? Would he be tall and handsome? Fair and muscular? Or short, and deformed? If it were the latter, she would spit on his face. Such a man would bring dishonor to her. She was upset that she didn’t have much say in the wedding. Her father was like an iron claw, forcing her around. Thus far, however, she’d been happy, so she lay dreamily in her tub, musing over the prince.
Oh who will he be?
Oh how will he be?
Tall and Handsome and perfect for me.
Will his name be long and hard to say?
Or short and cute the ‘cause I’d like it that way
Will he be rich and powerful?
Or poor and sorrowful?
For I’ve a picture in mind
Of the man they should find.
I hope he makes me happy
For what choice do I possess?
And that’s my distress
Oh who will he be?
Oh how will he be?”
With that, the princess stood from the bathtub, drying herself, not bothering to put the towel on. She walked naked into her room, and opened her dresser. Her drawers were filled with the finest of clothes. Adorned with jewels from exotic places, and embroidery so intricate it was a sight to see. She put on her undergarments, and threw on a dress. It was red as a rose, with white embroidery traversing the center up to her neck, which she decorated with the choicest gold necklace. She sprayed some scent onto her body, and combed her hair, smiling widely into the mirror. The excitement for the marriage only grew every moment she was awake. Her fingers tingled, her body felt chilled, and her breath was rapid.
A knock on the door.
“Yes, come in.” The princess ordered. Her maid entered.
“Your father would like to meet with you before dinner your highness.”
“Tell him I’ll be there when I’m ready.”
“He says it is urgent.”
“He always says such things. I’m sure it concerns the wedding does it not?”
“Yes your highness.”
“I’d like a little time, please.”
“Very well your highness.” The maid turned to leave.
“Oh, and…”
“Yes, your highness?”
“How do I look?”
“Dashing as a deer, elegant as a swan, powerful as a lioness, and smart as…”
“That’s quite enough. You’re dismissed.” She smiled.

Erey only ate the best of food. The dinner table was lined with food that most of the townspeople could only dream of. The finest pork in the kingdom, the finest mutton, bread, soup, fruit, and dessert that one could fathom. By the time Ereina arrived, Erey was already seated and growing impatient.
“You’re late.” He said.
“I am.”
“We have your wedding tomorrow, and you are crass enough to make such a gesture?”
“Just tell me who the groom is.”
“You’re hopeless sometimes Ereina.”
“Is he tall and handsome?”
“Yes, he is. He hails from Montenero. Most people from that place are tall and handsome so his appearance should not be of much concern.”
“That’s great. Is he rich?”
“He’s a prince.”
“Is he rich enough for me?”
“Yes, I’ve made my calculations. Our balance should triple with this alliance. Our territory should double as well. All good for the kingdom.”
Ereina was too involved in her reverie to care about what else her father wanted to say. She dreamed as she drank her soup, ate her meat and her dessert. After she finished, she stood with the air of arrogance which was characteristic of her, and turned to leave.
“Rest well tonight. I don’t want any tired eyes tomorrow.”
She curtseyed ever so slightly, and left for her room.
In bed, sleep did not come for a long time. She contemplated over the wedding. The same thoughts ran through her mind. What the prince would look like, how rich he would be, and many others which she was all too familiar with. However, Ereina would soon realize that these thoughts would be of little use as there would be no wedding for her tomorrow.
Part 2
Once upon a time, Estrella had been a warring kingdom. Its navy had dominated the seas. The most credit goes to Goldtooth, the most dangerous privateer of the Estrellan Navy. He looted ships and brought the loot to the king, always managing to keep a small share for himself. However, after the wars were over, Estrella abandoned him and his crew in the middle of the sea, leaving them to suffer and struggle to find their way to shelter. He refused to return to Estrella unless it was out of revenge. Being the strong commander he was, Goldtooth led his crew to a small island off the coast of Estrella, and turned it into his hideout. While there, Goldtooth did not remain idle. He fathomed anger against Estrella. He had served them so dutifully, but they so haughtily abandoned him. He was the most valued privateer in the navy, yet they had the audacity to reject his services. He would make them pay.
Goldtooth had been doing just that for the past ten years. He would loot Estrellan ships, and kill the sailors after taking them captive. But today, he planned to torment Estrella to the utmost level. He would attack the kingdom itself.
“Listen up, all you swashbucklin’ crude ingrates!” He shouted to the crew.
“Yes sir!” The crew replied forcefully.
“Today…today, those miserable fools in Estrella will pay for the misfortune they have caused us. Tonight we raid the kingdom. We’ll pillage it! We’ll loot every house! We won’t leave until every precious item is taken!” the band of pirates roared. But some still seemed to have doubts.
Morgan, a tall, dark, turbaned, Sinbad clothed, and muscular pirate, with his rifle in hand asked,
“Us against the entire Estrellan army?”
“Fool, do you think I say this without already having thought it out. Do you dare question my intelligence?!”
Morgan remained silent, but the pirates seemed to see sense in his words.
“He’s right!” Scagwash, a short, curly haired, fair but mottled skinned pirate said, “How the hell are we…fifteen people, supposed to kill the entire Estrellan Army.” Scagwash swung his cutlass about so as to emphasize his message. Roars went about the cabal of pirates.
“Shut up!” Goldtooth shouted. “Move your fat asses onto that ship, and just do what I say! Otherwise, Bitterbur will take good care of you.” He gestured towards a seven foot tall, muscular, pirate with an axe in one hand and a pistol in the other. Bitterbur growled and cracked his knuckles.
Goldtooth had made it a point to select as versatile a group of people, as possible, to make up his crew. Morgan was a pirate from the desert lands of the South. He was a great marksman, and he too had been abandoned by his leader. Scagwash hailed from the same land as Goldtooth. He was the only man from the original crew that remained. The rest, Goldtooth had killed out of anger. Scagwash was an exceptional swordsman, and could dispatch several men in close quarters. Not to mention, his battle spirit was nearly unmatched by anyone else in the crew, including Goldtooth. For this, Goldtooth had decided to keep him. Bitterbur the mammoth pirate… His name explained everything. These men were closest of all. But Goldtooth had made it a point to appoint people with exotic skillsets, such as creating poisons or other unorthodox manners of execution. These people were often assigned to deal with the captives. 
                Of course, there was the ship. The mysterious Argosia. It had originally been called the Nestor by the Estrellan navy, but Goldtooth had made it a point to erase all ties with Estrella. He had painstakingly traveled to exotic lands and enchanted it with the most mystical of powers. At the snap of his fingers, the ship could become invisible, along with everyone on it. The ship could travel underwater, with no effect on the crew, and the storms always failed to slow it down.
                Goldtooth had a map of the sea, and of Estrella from his service. He explained the markings, and went in depth about his plan. After imbuing the idea into even the dumbest of the lot, he set sail, and all the while singing with his crew,
Onwards to Estrella, the kingdom we hate
Towards the people oblivious to its fate
The sea may swish, the sea may sway
But nothing holds victory from us today!

Onwards to Estrella, with revenge in us
We will strike hard, oh yes we must
If they hurt us, we’ll hurt them back
Burn the city till it all goes black!”

So passionately they sang that perhaps even the waves receded. The water was smooth, and they were not impeded.
“Remember, we dock a few miles downshore, they can’t see our ship. The guard duty at night is useless, I would know. Scagwash and I will scale the fort, and take the guards by surprise. We will give you the signal, and then you come in through the forest. Make no noise at first. But if you do come across a guard, kill him before he cries out. If you can, change into his uniform. After we loot the town, we are going for the palace! Understood?!”
“Yes Captain!”
“Good, at least something fits into those ruddy skulls of yours. Avast, we approach! Scagwash, at my side, we are disembarking first.”
In an instant Scagwash stood beside his captain, cutlass brandished as if the enemy were already in front. As Goldtooth had ordered, they docked far down shore, but let Goldtooth and Scagwash go first.
“You know your plan! Stick to it!”

Scagwash and Goldtooth spied the defensive coastal fort, a little ways into the sandbar. Goldtooth pointed at it, and they both quickly rehearsed the plan, and ran off towards the fort. The two of them crawled up the ladders on either side, and took the guards, by surprise, slitting both their throats. Goldtooth’s signal was his throwing the two dead guards over the side. He peered into the distance and saw that his crew understood. He sneered, as he looked out at Estrella, the supposedly respected kingdom in its land. He scoffed, for he was sure that victory was at hand…the attack had begun.

Part 3
Ereina had decided to leave the windows open for the night. She wanted a nice cool breeze. The cool air would be very soothing to her. Ereina lay in bed wearing a loose nightgown, with a dreamy smile splayed across her face. She tried to imagine the prince’s lips, touching hers, as they united her fresh scent would mix with his and she would be encapsulated with bliss. The princess heard something strange though, and it roused her from her dream. She stood up, striding to the window, and looked out at the town, and was taken aback. Buildings were burning, and people screamed as they fled from their houses. Guns were being fired. Her heart beat faster, she grew tense. Her father had given her one weapon, and one weapon only, a dagger which he had picked up from his travels in the desert. She had learned to use it quite well. She ran to her dresser, and rummaged through her drawer, and found the dagger. She unsheathed it and was about to turn around when, the she heard the most repulsive clicking noise right behind her head.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” It was Goldtooth, but Ereina didn’t know that. Goldtooth, the most feared pirate of the seas. Ereina overestimated her capabilities, and defied his command, and lashed around with the dagger. Goldtooth jumped back with ease, and hit the dagger out of her hand. He tackled her, and pinned her onto her bed, and put the pistol into her mouth.
“Say another word…” he threatened. But inside him, there was the strangest of feelings. Even he couldn’t fathom what it was. Suddenly he was captivated by the beauty of this woman. Everything about her…was simply…beautiful. He kept the pistol in her mouth, and pulled out some rope with his free hand, to bind Ereina, who’s name even he didn’t know. “I’m going to take this pistol out of your mouth, and you will turn around, and do as I say.” She nodded, but as soon as the pistol was pulled out, she spat on Goldtooth’s face. He recoiled with disgust. Ereina used this to her advantage. She slipped out from under him, grabbed his pistol, and her dagger, and jumped off the bed heading towards the window.
“Guards! Guards!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Shut up!” Goldtooth hissed back, but it was too late. A guard burst down the door. In the heat of the moment, Goldtooth pounced at the princess, barely dodging the guard’s shot. He forced Ereina’s finger to push the trigger. The bullet, hit the guard, spraying blood across the wall, as he stumbled and died. Goldtooth wasted no time. He grabbed the princess, threw her over his shoulder, and leaped out the window. They crashed against the vines, though it was mostly the princess. As the hit the ground, her night gown got caught on a thick vine and tore off, leaving her half naked over the pirate.
“Pleasurable.” The pirate sneered, but then picked her up again, ignoring her screaming and beating. Before he went out to join his men who were joining her bringing back their plunder from the town, he tied the princess’s hands and legs, and gagged her, with a handkerchief. He waited until his men had boarded the ship, and were rummaging through the loot. He snuck aboard, and stowed her away to his private quarters below the deck, he threw her on the bed, threw a blanket over her winking at her, much to her contempt, and left in a haste.
“Where the hell’s Goldtooth?!” Bitterbur boomed. Goldtooth appeared slowly behind them, and fired his pistol into the air.
“He’s right here. What have you got?”
“Everything we’ll need for a lifetime,” Scagwash grinned, “garments, undergarments, medicine, food, charts, guns, and even a little jewlry. Oh, those guards were fooled when we dressed like them. Was it a party. Ol’ Bitterbur even beheaded one of them!” The crowed laughed joyfully. Goldtooth chanced a sly smile, and immediately departed to his quarters.
“Where are you going?!” One of the crew members asked. A burst of rage went through Goldtooth. He spun around, drew his cutlass, and jumped at the crew member.
“What’s your job on this ship, eh?”
“Well, why don’t you stick to that! Shove your head up your ass!”
With that, Goldtooth spun back and hastened to his quarters again.
“Hello my dear…” Goldtooth, walked into the room, and to his disappointment found the princess missing…but not for long.
“YAAAAAH!” she charged with a candle stick, over her head, preparing to beat him. Goldtooth chuckled and stepped aside. The princess, still in her undergarments tripped and fell.
“Impressive, I like a fighter every now and then. Keep that behavior up and you might just make it on my crew.”
“Why the hell did you take me? I am the princess! My kingdom will hunt you-“
“Please, your words hurt my ears darling. Just get back in the bed, and…uh, yes of course, I’m sure you’d like something to wear. We don’t often have women on board, but I think…ah hah, here we go.” He pulled out a musty outfit that was far too small for Ereina, and dusted it off briefly. “This should do.” He tossed the outfit at her face, leaving her coughing, and gasping for air. It was a scratchy woolen gown, white in color. The buttons had been pulled out, and it was obvious that moths had eaten through a large chunk of it. Wrinkling her face in disgust, she threw it over her body. It looked distinctly southern in its fashion. Perhaps from the desert lands, she wondered. Left with nothing to do, she reluctantly lay on the bed and let her sorrow effuse through a song,
Why is it me?
Who cannot be free?
For once in my life
Can’t they leave me be?
I want to make my choice
And stride with poise
Oh why does it have to be me?

I wanted a prince
All I got was this ugly, dark, mince…
Of hatred, of greed, of anger, of passion
Without the only thing I want…

“You sing beautifully, milady.” It was Goldtooth.
“Who are you? What’s your name?! You think you can just walk into my room and take-“
“Yes, I do. My name is Goldtooth, feared pirate of the Southern Seas.”
“What is your business with me?”
“What does it matter to you?!” he suddenly yelled, anger surging into his voice.
“You kidnap me, you bring me against my will, aboard this ship and refuse to tell me anything. I’d rather sink than spend any more time with a useless, self-centered, buccaneer like you. My father will hunt you down. He won’t stop till you’re dead!”
“NO HE WON’T!!” Goldtooth yelled. “You want to leave do you? Then fine! Here’s the window.” Goldtooth pulled open the window, to reveal the underwater sea. “Can you swim?”
But Ereina was captivated. She had never beheld such a sight. A wooden ship that could travel below the water, yet the water never once leaked inside.
“A spell. This ain’t any old pirate ship. Like I said earlier, Goldtooth, the most feared pirate of the Southern Seas. For ages I have traveled, acquiring any form of loot possible. Oh, the magical wonders that fill this world that ignorant maidens like you are oblivious to…because your meat heads are far too thick!”
“Shut up!”
“You shut up!”
“If you don’t shut your foul mouth, I will reveal myself to the crew. Then they will mutiny against you. Then, Goldtooth, feared pirate of the seas will simply be a pirate lost, at sea.”
“Don’t you dare…”
“Oh I dare, I do indeed. So shut up!”
There were thumps of footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Is everything alright Captain?!” Scagwash yelled.
Goldtooth kicked the door to his quarters open and reprimanded Scagwash for neglecting to watch the deck.
“Sea vipers…could attack us any minute! Yet you so carelessly abandoned your duty, so that you could disturb my privacy?! Take your lilly livered ass back up top!”
Scagwash turned without question and went back to the deck. Goldtooth returned.
“Mighty feisty I must say.” Ereina smirked. “Could it be me? Am I causing this tension?” she teased menacingly.
Goldtooth ran to the corner of the room, and threw open the closet. He pulled out two sponges, and tossed them at her face.
“Scrub my floor! Now!”
“No! You will not order me around.”
Goldtooth drew his cutlass and put it to Ereina’s neck.
“I’m worse dead than I am alive. You’ll have a lot of explaining to do.”
“Scrub the deck, or dance naked for me. Your choice.”
“How exactly do you propose you get me naked?”
“Swords do more than just cut throats my dear.”
Ereina frowned, and dropped to her knees, and started to scrub.
“I’ll be back shortly, and if it isn’t sparkling clean, you will dance naked for the whole crew. They find nothing wrong in insulting the dignity of a woman. Now get your ass moving.”
Ereina scrubbed harder. Her gentle hands became raw, as the scraggly sponges cut at her skin. Her hands itched, and her knees pained. She scrubbed every inch of the floor. The torment was unbearable. Back in her kingdom, Ereina was accustomed to having a maid do her work. She could have laid limp the whole day, and all the chores would have been tended to. Yet this boorish man sought to defile her. Only hate existed towards him.
Part 4
There was once a small island by the name of Illycta. For many years it had been a stronghold of the Estrellan government. Not just during war, but more so during peace. The legend spoke of a witch that had lived on Illycta for years on end, and just before she died, she decided to leave her mark on the island. It was a potion of unimaginable capacity. The moment one drank it he would become all but immortal. He would be able to control time, things would happen at a simple snap of his fingers, and all his wildest dreams would come true. Erey had hunted for this treasure for very long, and after nearly a decade, he gave up dismissing the legend as a hoax. But not all had lost faith. There were some Estrellan sailors that faked their own deaths so as to remain on the island. They became rogues, hunting greedily for this elixir of a potion. One thing they did not know was that there was also a curse that the witch had laid down. It dictated that if a man were to search for the potion for a prolonged period of time, he would become a slave to its power. This was the poor fate of the rogues. Once the hunters of the treasure, they now became its sentinels. Day in and day out, these soulless beings stood, just waiting to pounce on whomever dared to touch the gold.
                It was said that all records of the search were destroyed by Erey himself. All the maps were supposedly burned, all the charts torn, and the captains executed. But only one person knew that a spark of chance remained. Goldtooth knew from his extensive pursuit of these exotic treasures that there was still one man that remained on that island, who had not gone insane. With his help, Goldtooth sought to locate the potion and use it to his own end. In fact, he was headed to that very island.
“Morgan! Man the masts! We’re breaking surface!” Goldtooth ordered. Morgan climbed up the mast and grabbed the rope, preparing to open sail. Cannons were manned, and cutlasses were drawn incase any trouble awaited at the surface. “Steady! Here we go!” the Argosia broke the surface, and water sprayed to either side. Lord behold, in front of them lay Illycta.
“Looks like the maps were right Captain!” Scagwash shouted down from his post. 
“Of course they were right you feather brained fool!” Goldtooth ambitiously roared. “Onward!” he pointed, and took control of the wheel, hungrily steering the ship to shore. Just as they drew near, the boat began to rock!
“What in the world’s bloody name was that?!” Bitterbur yelled.
“Sea Viper!” Morgan yelled.
“Quick! Fire up the cannons! Our ship cannot protect us against this beast!” Goldtooth commanded. “Come on, move your lazy arses!”
Morgan primed his rifle, and sat atop his perch; Scagwash loaded cannon, and prepared to ignite the fuse. Men drew their cutlasses and got ready to cut in. The beast came out of the water with a roar. A mammoth sea snake it was, so enormous it could wrap itself around the ship several times.
“Heave right!” Goldtooth yelled. A crew member took the wheel and started to turn the boat right. The Sea Viper reared, preparing to but into the ship. “Fire!”
Morgan unleashed the cannon balls. They cut through the air, and collided with the sea serpent. However, the damage was insufficient. “Reload!” Morgan loaded the cannons again. “Fire!” Goldtooth ordered. Cannon balls hit the sea viper yet again. The viper was stymied, but not for long. “Again!” Goldtooth yelled, and Morgan did the same, hammering the creature with cannonball after cannonball. The Viper receded into the water.
“Hurrah!” Scagwash cheered. This victory would not last them long. The serpent shot out the other side, and crashed into the deck of the ship with its gigantic head. “Stab it! Quick!” Goldtooth ordered. The crew slashed and sliced at the serpent’s thick skin, to no avail. Morgan discharged his rifle, and hit it square in the eye. The beast was blind with rage, and wrapped itself around the ship. “Bloody idiot Morgan!” but he didn’t hear, and repeatedly fired, as the crew members stabbed. “Stop!” Goldtooth yelled, but people were too engaged to listen. They slashed and the serpent squeezed, the floorboards creaked. “Stop you fools, can’t you see the ship is wrecking?!” Finally, the structure gave way, and the ship broke in half. Everyone tumbled into the water, including Goldtooth, their arms flailing. In the heat of the moment Goldtooth had forgotten about the fair maiden. Such a fine woman did not deserve such a brutal death, but how would he find her. Worry struck his heart as he fell into the water, and his ship went down. He threw his cutlass aside, and dove underneath, swimming towards the starboard half of the ship.

Part 5

Ereina was lodged between the dresser and the bed. Goldtooth swam to her, and ever so gently pulled her out from between the two. He knew that he couldn’t surface where the rest of the crew had, they would react violently to the woman. He placed his arm about her waist and silently swam further down shore, where he pulled her onto the sand. Her beautiful eyes were closed, her chest failed to heave, and her skin felt colder than the water itself. The once vivacious body of this fine maiden felt so…void of any life. Out of desperation, he breathed air into her mouth, and slammed her chest with his fists. He hit harder, and harder, until on the tenth and final blow, she opened her eyes and spewed the water which had interred her lungs.
“Are-“ the princess started, but Goldtooth clamped down his hand.
“Shut up, do you want the crew to molest you?!” Goldtooth replied, trying to hide the fear within him. “Thanks to you, the whole crew was delayed. Sitting in your room, while we were busy protecting the ship.”
“Well, last I checked, you were the one who condemned me to your infernal quarters.”
“Are you a live being or a rock? Did you need someone to roll you onto the deck for you to see what was going on? What was running through that thick skull of yours when the ship was rockin’ about, huh?”
“If you hate me so much, then why did you even bother saving me?!” Ereina retorted. To this, even the great Goldtooth did not have a response. If he said anything, the princess would learn that he admired her. He was not about to abase himself in front of a princess. He was superior to her. It…couldn’t be done that way. He simply stood, and turned to walk back, feeling slightly dazed from her statement. “What, too afraid? Goldtooth the mighty pirate of the seas, faltering on a simple question from a young girl. How insulting to the pirate legacy.” Ereina cackled.
Goldtooth spun around and ran at Ereina, grabbing her around the waist. The island was a tropical one, so nearby lay the jungle. Goldtooth dragged the princess into the trees, and found a moist ditch to lay her in.
“Stay here. Come there, and I’ll promise you that you’ll wish you had never been born.”
“You don’t really think so. You still haven’t told me why you saved my life.”
“All I need to say, and all you need to know, is that you must stay here! I will bring you food by night. If I bring worms, you eat worms, if I bring dung, you eat dung. Take my jacket, so no soul will have to see your shriveled, helpless, annoying figure.” He tossed his turquoise jacket in her direction, and didn’t bother looking at her, as he strode off. Had he done so, he would have caught the slightest smile from Ereina, who had a clue as to what his true feelings might be.

Ereina conceived a marvelous idea. She decided to break the very first rule Goldtooth laid for her. She would move her hiding spot. That would certainly push Goldtooth a little. She wouldn’t make herself so easy to catch. The winds whispered a soft melody, to which she composed the most eloquent of tunes,
What does he want?
Is it really my love?
Could I be wrong?

Did I really deserve a prince?
Or this ingrate who I’ve stuck to ever since?
Was I so undeserving?
My faith was unswerving
Why did I have to get him?
Perhaps there is more
To this beast I abhor
Perhaps there is beauty within

Sure, he took me, he hurt me, and he scared me
But could it just be that… he loves me?
Perhaps he’s scared
Of how his reputation will fare
If he shows his feelings to me…

Oh I understand
I really do
Don’t think he does
He doesn’t have a clue
He thinks I’m a fool
To bow to him like a tool
And be his pet forever!

But no, he will find
That he has to be kind
If he seeks to marry me!”
Ereina fell silent, as she heard some footsteps in the distance.
“Oi, that ruddy Sea Serpent, one pain in the arse I tell you.” Scagwash said, of course Ereina wasn’t acquainted with him. The other pirates nodded in agreement. “But Goldtooth’s got a plan, he always does. Perhaps this is part of it, as stinky as it is. Speakin’ of stinky…none of us have bathed in days. Whadaya say, we go for a swim?”
The pirates disrobed, and trudged out into the ocean water. Ereina sat, as she had been instructed, and played idly with the plants about her. Beautiful foliage surrounded her. Far more than there ever was on Estrella. She found a beautiful bud lying limp beside a tree. It was a fairly large bud. The flower would probably be revealed soon. Ereina decided to help the plant, and tapped the tip of the bud, hoping to open it. The bud felt rough, and prickled her fine skin. She drew back with disgust. Strangely however, she tried again, this time more to the side. The bud felt much less coarse. She prodded again, and again, and finally, the bud gave way, as the petals of the flower made their maiden voyage into the world, opening to display their vibrant beauty to everything around them. They grew as fast as they did surely, and in a matter of seconds the flower was fully bloomed. Ereina smiled with delight. She searched around for other such flowers in the vicinity, but was distracted by another most curious plant. This one had already borne its flowers. They were blue as the sky, and soft as an infant’s skin. She reached out to touch it. The moment her finger connected with the petal, the flower closed around her finger violently. The plant bent backwards, so forcefully, that she lost her balance. After much struggling, she freed her finger and scrambled back to her ditch, shaken by the encounter.

The crickets chirped, and howls rang out through the massive jungle. Ereina bundled herself in Goldtooth’s jacket, trying her best to keep warm. The humid ground wet her dress, and sent chills through her body, and she pressed closer to the tree. Footsteps sounded through the bed of foliage that surrounded her, and Ereina stirred, looking out into the arboreal surroundings lit by the pale moon.
“Here’s your grub! Eat it. No complaints.” Goldtooth said and tossed it at her. Half roasted meat of some sort fell into her hand. Ereina recoiled at the sight, but forced herself to take a bite. All the while, Goldtooth stood over her, watching. The meat wasn’t as insipid as she’d expected. She bit down hungrily. “I love a girl with an appetite.” Ereina did not respond, and continued to masticate the meat inside her mouth. After she was done, she tossed the bone to a side, and stared up at Goldtooth. “More?” he offered, and pulled out another lump of it. She gulped it down just as quickly.

Goldtooth strode away confidently. He had Ereina eating out of the palm of his hand. There was no way she could escape him now. He walked out onto the shore to his crew who were camped around a small fire.
“Toastin’ your bodies eh?”
“Yes Captain.”
“Tomorrow we go out…into the jungles…and hunt for that potion. Just got to be wary of the possessed Estrellans.”
“Are we dividing?” one of the pirates asked.
“Dividing, are you a fool? Do you know every nook and cranny of this jungle?”
“No, but-“
“But we all travel in a pack. Once we get that potion, we’ll have unimaginable power!” Goldtooth roared, and his crew joined, clanking their swords together.
Into the Jungle, to find the loot
But how do we get there we haven’t a clue
Into the jungle to find the loot
In the forest without the route

But we are pirates
And we are strong
Nothing can stop us
The worst go wrong

We’ll steal the treasure!
We’ll keep the treasure!
Ages and Ages
Ages and Ages
Of unending pleasure!”
The pirates cackled, and clashed their swords together once again. In time, they all lay down in a drunk somber mood. Eventually, their eyelids closed and all the pirates were asleep.

Ereina’s scream rang through the jungle. The pirates were up in arms within moments.
“A woman, a bonnie young lass.” Scagwash snarled. “Can’t wait to get my face on her bosom.” He cackled along with the rest of the crew. “Looks like that’s the real treasure.”
The pirates charged off without Goldtooth, who was at a nexus. He charged up to the front of the group, and fired his pistol into the air, bringing them to a halt.
“Where the hell do you think you’re draggin’ your skanky legs of to?”
“The woman, I want to taste her lips. Let’s make her cook, let’s make her scrub!” Morgan hissed.
“Shut up!”
“No one, goes out without my orders!”

“AAAAAHHHHH!” the scream rang out again, and along with it, some thwacking noises.
“Looks like we have an early start on our treasure hunt men. Follow my lead. Break it, and I will break you.”
“Aye.” Bitterbur growled. The group headed into the jungles, trudging along carefully in the moonlit forest.
“Change o’ plans. We are splittin’ up.” Goldtooth commanded. “Everyone except me, head to the left. No questioning, or I will behead you right this instant. Move your arses!”
“Come on, let’s find that girl, and let’s enjoy her!” the pirates cackled, and ran off. Normally, Goldtooth would have joined in on such a vulgar hunt, but Ereina was far too beautiful to ruin for him. In heart of hearts, he did not wish to torment her, or work her to exhaustion as the crew sought to do. He was simply mesmerized by her beauty, but felt it unmanly of himself to compromise his love so readily. Goldtooth ran off in the opposite direction, heading to he ditch where he had left her. As he predicted, Ereina was gone.
“AAAAAHHH!” the scream rang out, this time much louder. Goldtooth raced through the jungle, cutting the foliage with his sword in one hand, and having his pistol ready in the other. Suddenly, his footing was misplaced, and fell onto lower ground. The screams continued. He ran, despite the searing pain which coursed his legs. The screams grew louder. He was getting closer until, he broke through the thin branches ahead and found Ereina, cornered against a log, with three possessed Estrellans aiming their rifles at her.
The soldiers didn’t speak a word, but their appearance was enough to denote their intention. They were stripped down to the waist, with mud and paint smeared all over their bodies. Blue paint came under their eyes, making their appearance even more eerie. Ereina glanced over at Goldtooth and screamed again. Initially transfixed in horror, Goldtooth forced himself out of his shock, and shot one of the soldiers in the head. The others instinctively turned around, but Goldtooth was ready, with his sword brandished. He charged before they could fire, cutting off both their arms, and beheading both of them. The two monsters dropped to the ground.
“You putrid little rat! I told you to stay in the ditch!” Goldtooth yelled. Ereina’s face showed genuine shock. Not only at what had just happened, but the fact that the man whom she despised so strongly was willing to go to such great lengths to keep her safe. “Now…are you injured?” Goldtooth yelled, slightly more calmly, but still harsh in his tone.
“Come. Don’t make a sound, or the crew will find you and-“
“Yes, they will ‘enjoy me’ make me dance naked, place their faces on my naked bosom. I understand.” Ereina replied crassly.
“You don’t appreciate a savior do you?”
“That depends on the savior. Is he a handsome, noble prince or a scraggly, smelly, bushwalking-?”
Goldtooth threw Ereina down and started to trudge off.
“You can walk back on your own then.” Goldtooth growled.
“Oh come on, you can’t be that sensitive.”
“I’m not sensitive. People like you just need to be set straight.”
“People like me?”
Ereina was teasing Goldtooth, hiding the subtle admiration she held for his courage in saving her. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps his uncouth behavior was just a shell. But she still decided to push him further.
“Yes. People like you. Spoiled, ugly brats like you.”
“If I’m so ugly, why did you kidnap me?” she smiled. Goldtooth stuttered. In frustration, he drew his sword, and slashed a plant. “Breathe man. It was a simple question. Why did you kidnap me? Why my kingdom?” she said.
“Because your kingdom had gold, weapons, and many other amenities that I found useful. Will that suffice?”
“No. Because, Montenero has many of the same “amenities” as you say. They are far less guarded as well. Why take the difficult path?”
“You aren’t going to let me be…” Goldtooth muttered. He swung his sword up, tackling Ereina, and pinning her to the ground as he had done in the castle. “All you need to know, is that you are with me now. Nothing more, nothing less. Ask me again, and I’ll expose you to the crew.”
“What if I just did that myself?” Ereina smirked, despite the fact that a blade was positioned on her throat. She felt strangely in control of the situation. “What if I walked out on that shore, and announced that you were the one who tried to dishonor the crew, by bringing me on board? You’ll lose your band of scalawags…they amuse me. Surprising how you even call them a crew.” Ereina giggled. Goldtooth slapped Ereina, across the face. Her face burned. Yet, she still sought to be in control, and forced a smile. Even Goldtooth was shaken by the encounter. He waddled backwards and sat against the tree.
“Look…I’m…are you hurt?”
“Does it look like I’m hurt?” Ereina shoved her face into his. “Look at my cheek. Look at what you did! This is the last straw. I am showing myself to the crew!” Ereina began to run off.
“Wait! If I told you why I kidnapped you…would you keep yourself hidden?”
“I can’t make any promises. Tell me, or you won’t have any chance of it.”
Goldtooth tossed his sword aside, exhausted. He told her the tale, of how he had once served Estrella. He told her about how they abandoned him when he was in need. He explained how his attack was an act of revenge.
“Your father…he just wants you as a figurehead. You are merely a trophy.”
“How do you expect me to believe this hogwash?!” Ereina asked. Goldtooth responded with a simple overturning of his jacket sleeve. Underneath the word Nestor had been sewed on. Ereina knew this sewing pattern. The letters were stitched in a unique manner. She had seen other sailors with this on. “You must have stolen it!” Goldtooth didn’t answer, and rolled his sleeve up even more, revealing an ink marking on his forearm. David “Goldtooth” Briggs, sailor of the Estrellan navy, it read. Ereina ran her hand across his forearm, in shock.
“My father…has toyed with me?”
Ereina broke into sobs. All her life, she had thought that she was admired. She believed that her kingdom valued her presence. Or perhaps that was all they valued…her physical presence. Perhaps they refused to look inside. Perhaps her feelings didn’t matter.
Goldtooth did the most unseemly of things. He crawled forth, and wrapped his arm about Ereina’s shoulders letting her cry into his shoulder.
“I found a pool…a little ways into the forest. I’d like to take a swim. I can’t go looking like this.” Ereina sobbed, and got up. Goldtooth stared at her as she walked off in her light nightgown which he had given her. It was dirtied by the muddy ground. Ereina looked back at him, and she didn’t say a word, but he felt as if she were beckoning him to follow. Goldtooth stood and followed close behind. She padded through a mesh of foliage unto a blue, transparent pond. Goldtooth entered behind her, but maintained some good distance. Ereina strode down to the pool, near a rock, and took off her nightgown. She removed it ever so slowly, so as to intensify the effect. Goldtooth felt that she was aware of his presence. She removed her undergarments, exposing herself fully to the world around her. Goldtooth was astounded. Her thin, but firm waist, her sinewy limbs, her breasts round and large as apples, and most of all her face sparkly as the sun. She shimmered despite all the dirt which covered her body.
Ereina turned around and locked eyes with Goldtooth.
“You’re welcome to join. I don’t think you’d like being so scratchy and smelly all day long.” Ereina seductively entered the water, running her hands up her body with water enunciating the anatomical perfection that characterized her. Her body tingled with arousal, and she craved for Goldooth’s body as Goldtooth did for hers. Goldtooth disrobed and strode into the pool, wading over to her. “Good.” She smiled, and continued to wash herself, back turned towards him. Goldtooth put his hand on her shoulder and spun her around, bringing with it a spray of water. Goldtooth fell back, clearing his eyes.
“You feisty cat.” Goldtooth said. With that, he leaped at her, and grabbed her, kissing her lips. He ran his tongue along her cheeks and kissed them passionately, Ereina smiled lustfully. He kissed lower on her neck and down to her large and firm breasts, which he fondled with his hands. He ran his hands along her back to her buttocks, which he caressed. All the while Ereina let out moans of pleasure and pressed his head against her body, asking for more. They tupped for what seemed like ages, running their hands along each others’ bodies and kissing every inch of skin they could. When they were done, they panted with exhaustion.
“You do know how to use your sword.”
“Wouldn’t be a pirate otherwise.”
“Sharp blades go deep.”
“They do indeed. You are one fine lass.”

“Captain!” a pirate called out from the distance. Goldtooth looked up, shocked.
“Quick, get behind a tree, or something. Take your clothes!” Goldtooth said.
But Ereina did not budge. She stood there, waiting.
“Captain!” Scagwash came crashing through the foliage into the clearing where the two stood in water
“Captain! What in the-“
“Remember what I said about questioning me?” Goldtooth growled in a desparate attempt to get control.
“Women are pitiful. They are a plague to our ship. Why do you spend your time with this one?”
“Who ever said I was going to bring her on the ship?” Goldtooth demanded. Scagwash stood dumbfounded, scratching his head.
“I did.” Ereina replied, much to Goldtooth’s irritation.
“You want to come aboard our ship?”
“Yes. I do.”
Scagwash drew his sword and started towards Ereina.
“Lay that blade on her, Scagwash, and you’ll wish you were never born.”
Scagwash did not relent.
“Scagwash!” Goldtooth reached over for his own rapier. He threw on his undergarments, and started towards Scagwash. “Let her go.”
“So you have feelings for this maiden. How many swords has she tasted? How many beds has she slept in? Women are miserable creatures.”
“Shut up!” Goldtooth lashed out, and put the tip of his sword to Scagwash’s throat. Scagwash swiped Goldtooth’s blade away and countered with a slash at his waist. Goldtooth parried, and jabbed his blade at Scagwash’s belly. Scagwash stumbled backward, but Goldtooth did not hesitate. He leaped forward and kicked Scagwash in the chest, knocking him flat onto the wet mud. He slammed his foot down onto Scagwash’s chest, and putting the tip of his sword to his throat.
“The lady stays. Even if she disobeyed me.” He glared at Ereina, who stood naked in the pond.
Scagwash, still lying on the ground, grunted, “Well then tell us a good reason why she needs to stay?”
“Because I want to join you.” Ereina said.
“Join us in what?!” he yelled at her.
“What you do.” She said boldly.
“Raiding ships, looting towns?”
“Yes. I want to be a pirate.”
Scagwash was about to burst out laughing, but stifled it at Goldtooth’s glare.
“Teach me how to fight. I already know a little.”
“Then show us what you know.” Morgan said from the band of pirates that had assembled in front of them.
“You want me to show you what I know?” Ereina said furiously. She threw on her gown, much to some of the pirates’ disappointment, and headed straight to Morgan. “You give me a dagger, and you take one of your own. We fight. Then you can pull your head out of your arse.”
Morgan chuckled. “Deal. Where?”
“Wherever you choose.”
“Out on the shore. Until then, you’re our prisoner. Ain’t that fair Captain. Besides, you would not want your maiden running free in such dangerous lands, now would you?” Morgan said. “Come on boys!” The pirates drew their swords and escorted the princess out to the shore.

“Rules of the match are as follows!” One of the pirates spoke, “First to draw blood from the torso wins. Here are your daggers. As much as I’d like to see this little princess die, Goldtooth is havin’ the final word.”
Morgan took both of his snaphance pistols, his snaphance rifle, and his cutlass. He took the dagger from the pirate, and unsheathed it, a malicious look running across his face.  Ereina unsheathed her dagger, and focused her anger on Morgan, but her face hardly betrayed her inner emotions.
“May the best human win…sorry, women aren’t our equals…I’m sure we’ve established that already.”
Morgan and Ereina circled around the center, like two hungry tigers. Morgan was the first to strike. Ereina jumped aside, and slashed at Morgan’s stomach. He bent to avoid the blow, and countered with a jab at her neck. She grasped his hand, and threw him off balance. She retaliated with a slash at his face, which he blocked with his hand. He twisted it, throwing her to the ground. As he brought the knife to her throat, she slipped from his grasp, and pulled him to the ground, immediately mounting him, driving her knee into his elbow. Morgan screamed in agony, and let go of his blade. Ereina put her dagger to his throat.
“Will this suffice?” Ereina hissed, and climbed off Morgan. “I am not your ordinary woman. I am not your toy. So, will you train me now?”
“Take her on the hunt tomorrow, that’ll be good training.” Morgan snarled contemptuously. “Let us see how well her dagger comes in use against one of those beasts. I hear of some terrible creatures that lurk in that forest, and we haven’t seen the worst of it yet.”
“No we don’t!” shouted Goldtooth, firing his pistol into the air. “We train her first, and take her with us. We can afford a delay. There is enough food here to keep us alive. Now get to it!”

The next three weeks, Ereina was subjected to rigorous, and abusive training. She first mastered swordsmanship, which came quite naturally because of her dexterity with her dagger. Morgan trained her with sharpshooting, which she became exceptional at. She wrestled with Bitterbur, and was a deft fist fighter. The feelings of contempt and discrimination turned to those of admiration. Though she wasn’t seen as an equal, those around her developed respect for her ability.

Part 6
Goldtooth was itching to implement his plan of attack, which was essentially a headlong march into the jungle.
“Morgan, I want your Snaphance ready at all times. You hold off any enemies on our tail. Scagwash and I will be in front, leadin’ the crew. Ereina, have your cutlass brandished and akimbo.”
Solmenly, the pirates strode into the forest. Goldtooth had revised the plan with them several times for the past several days. They were to find the Estrellan who hadn’t been possessed. He had left clues around the jungle in hopes of being rescued. Torn journal pieces, books, a gun, and many such paraphernalia.
CocoooCocooo! An animal sound rang out. It felt much like that of a rooster.
In an instant, the guards were on their guard, looking into the trees. Suddenly, the leaves above tore as a creature jumped across. Morgan fired impulsively. A screech rang out.
“Move your arses, come on!” Goldtooth yelled, as the entire band started to run. The rooster like sounds started to grow, behind them. “Our destination is the witches’ home, and we will not halt until we arrive there.” Morgan fired a few more shots.
“You bloody idiot, Morgan! Can’t you see there aren’t any more followin’?!” a pirate yelled. “Save your damn bullets.”

Morgan shouldered his rifle in frustration.
“Where is this witch’s hut?” Ereina asked.
“Further north of here, near the valley.” Bitterbur responded.
“But we’re gonna have to go through hellfire to get there.” Scagwash added.
“What exactly are we lookin’ for over there? The potion?” one of the pirates asked.
“Are you that stupid? The witch didn’t hide her treasure in her own damn house! It would be too obvious!” Morgan yelled from the back. “We’re lookin’ for that Estrellan dog! First place to start checkin’! Hope you don’t get scared Ereina, your highness.” Morgan mocked.
Goldtooth turned, and pulled his pistol, aiming at Morgan.
“You are my best marksman, but I won’t hesitate to blast your head off, if you say another abusive thing to this woman. She dominated you earlier, and I don’t see why she can’t dominate you now. Same goes for the rest of you jarheads. Now, the witch’s hut supposedly has the Estrellan’s version of the map. He apparently made it to the hut, and fled from his possessed mates. We study that map, we’ll get a better idea of where we’re headed. He’s marked out his safe locations. To my memory, I know that there are about four. Not very many. But this jungle is full of unexpected surprises. So keep your heads screwed on straight! Isn’t that right Ereina?”
“Of course.” She said, tightening her grip on her cutlass.

Ereina in heart of hearts had no desire to search for the treasure. She merely sought to get revenge against the Estrellans. She found that opportunity with this lone Estrellan that they were hunting down. She wanted to torture him, and bleed the life out of his sick body. After he’d given the information, she planned to kill him. As for Goldtooth, she craved his touch far more than she had earlier. She wished she could have been in the water longer with him, his hand fondling her breasts, and waist, and rear. His kiss wetting every inch of her skin, and his tongue licking her where felt it most pleasurable. His bravery had shaken her out of her arrogant trance, and Ereina had a new born admiration for his character. His boorishness was something she was willing to set aside. He was the prince. Hey may have been shorter than her, darker than her, and uglier than most, but he was more deserving of her than perhaps any prince her father would have shown her.  
 “What are we going to do with the Estrellan, after we find him?”
“Why, torture him of course.” Goldtooth said.
“Leave that to me.”
“Oooh, what a wild cat. I’d like you to torture me a little…in bed.” Morgan cackled, but stopped himself…but it was too late.
Ereina turned, and jabbed the hilt of her sword into Morgan’s throat, sending him back choking.
“Let me kill this poor fool. Or send him off to the desert land he came from. He is of no use to us.”
“He’s the only person who can shoot.”
At that, Ereina pulled her pistol out of its holster and shot a bird clean out of a branch.
“How’s that for having a good shot?” Ereina said, staring into Morgan’s eyes. “One more word out of you Morgan and I will slit you in ways you could never imagine.” She glared at him, and turned. Morgan bent his head down, hot with embarrassment. The group trudged on.
The forest was riddled with as many traps as it was treasures. The witch had not been lazy during her stay. She had taken the time to set up natural traps. Swamps, wild animals, false flooring and nets lay throughout the forest…unbeknownst to the pirates. In fact a great many Estrellans had perished on their quest for the potion because of these very traps. The moment the pirates entered the forest, it was as if these traps had once again come to life, and were ready, teeth gnashing, to devour the Pirates.  Even the great Goldtooth did not know of these traps.
Part 7
“Aargh, these swamps soak me up like a sponge!” a pirate complained.
“Just shut up and keep walking!” Goldtooth said. “It’s only a few more yards of this before we hit solid ground again. “But always have your swords drawn. There’s no knowing what’ll-“
As if the forest had a mind of its own, two snapping fish leaped out of the water, onto the complaining pirates’ face, which was ghastly with fear. He flailed his arms and tried to slice the fish off his face, but fell into the swamp. Some of the pirates dove under to attempt to rescue the poor soul, but it was too late, as they only brought up the pirate’s gun and sword.
“He’s done. Is this the only bloody way through?!”
“Do you want this potion or not?!” Ereina asked.
“Shut up! You’ve been with us for…three days and already think you have the right to push us around. You don’t stand a chance against all o’ us.” The pirate hissed. For a moment, Ereina stepped down from her high horse, and understood the gravity of the loss.
“We used to drink and sing, Tapzar and I…and now, because of our bloody quest he had to get his face chewed off by a pair of cannibal fish!” another pirate roared, and was joined by his mates.
“Very well then!” Goldtooth yelled. “Go! Leave this forest. Swim back to the southern desert lands where you’ll find Morgan’s people, provided the sea viper doesn’t masticate the lot of you! Go on! What do you hesitate for?!”
The pirates grumbled and waded through the swamp. They hadn’t taken a few steps and in the near distance, a growling sound echoed. The pirates held their swords akimbo. Morgan primed his rifle, and Goldtooth prepared his pistol. The growled rumbled the trees in the swamp. A twig crunched, and then another, followed by another.
“Ready!” Goldtooth yelled, and the strangest of creatures tore through the trees and towards the swamp, flying. A winged tiger, with claws sharp as thimbles and large as nails, landed on the branch adjacent to the party. It growled with hunger. Morgan discharged his rifle, but missed as the creature leaped to yet another branch. Goldtooth aimed with his pistol and fired two shots at the creature’s body, but it pounced straight for him. As Goldtooth spun to escape the creature, Ereina moved forth and thrust her sword into it. She yelled with rage, and stabbed it repeatedly.
“You will not take another one of us you miserable fiend!!!” she yelled, and let the creature wither and die. The pirates stared in shock. “What are you ingrates staring at?! Get your arses movin’!”  she pointed her bloodied sword onward.

The swamp plagued their journey for only a short time, and they came to the land bordering it.
“Which way?”
“The hut’s towards the center. A little longer in this direction, and we’ll have our hands on that bloody fiend.” Goldtooth said.
The pirates marched forward.
“You sure it’s there?” one of the pirates asked.
“Of course I’m sure. Now shut your mouth and keep walkin’!”
“Didn’t you say there were more traps earlier?” another piped in. The group murmured in agreement.
“What did I tell you earlier? If you want to leave, feel free to do so. Swim your way back to Morgan’s land. Go ahead.”
“No, it isn’t that, it’s just that…some of us are getting a bit tired of hearing your voice, and we’d appreciate it if you’d let us continue our own search.” One of the pirates said, and pointed his pistol at Goldtooth. Goldtooth whipped the gun out of the pirate’s hand and threw him down into the ground, but the others retaliated and put their swords to Goldtooth’s throat.
“Let us go, or Bitterbur will strip the lady.” Morgan said, smirking contemptuously at Ereina. Goldtooth glanced over at her, with wide eyes. He nodded to her, and she nodded back.  In a flash, Ereina took a hold of one of the pirates and slit his throat, and threw her dagger into another knocking him off balance. The pirates, distracted lost their attention on Goldtooth, who swept his foot and knocked over a few pirates himself, shooting them with his pistol. As Morgan turned, Goldtooth was already up and running, grabbing a spare sword along the way. Ereina followed closely, as they dashed into the woods even further, brushing the foliage aside. They heard Morgan giving orders to the others, and even heard their footsteps thumping not too far behind.
“Here!” Ereina gestured and they dove into a clump of bushes. Shortly, Morgan’s company trudged through, cursing at their absence. Morgan waved his rifle around in the air.
“I don’t want Goldtooth first! I want the girl. I want to put this gun to her eye, and blast it out of its socket. I want to stab her with my dagger! Come on!” the troop moved forward.

“Thank you.” Ereina nodded at Goldtooth.
“My pleasure, now I’ve only got one feather brain to handle.” Goldtooth smiled, patting Ereina on the shoulder playfully. She embraced him, hugging him tightly. A gunshot brought them back. They readied themselves and slowly climbed out of their hiding location.
“Come on, quick!” Goldtooth muttered and they trekked down. “Just a little farther now, and we’ll come to the clearing, and then we’ve hit the jackpot.”
“Forget the jackpot, if we don’t get past these zombies first. We don’t want to use our guns. Those goons will hear us.” Ereina said.
“Which goons?”
“Your goons. Silently, we must attack these ones.”
She slipped her dagger out of its sheath, and Goldtooth the same. They padded down the rocks leading to the clearing and ducked behind a boulder.
“These goons seem to be patrolling the grounds in a set manner. It is very organized. Too organized. They do not seem to be aware of each other either. Here…the first one is coming.” Goldtooth whispered, and leaped out, swiftly slitting the possessed soldier’s throat. The others continued to walk aimlessly.  The next came walking down his path, and Goldtooth motioned to Ereina who threw her dagger into his throat, knocking him down, and quite obviously killing him.
They crawled forward, and this was when Goldtooth made his worst mistake. His foot slipped, and his knee collided with a rock. He yelped in pain, and Ereina grabbed him, but it was too late, the zombies were alerted, and turned in their direction. Just then, three arrows came flying through the leaves, each one hitting a soldier knocking him dead, ever so silently. Goldtooth and Ereina stood and looked around, and out of the trees jumped a man, clad in an Estrellan uniform, but not looking possessed as the rest of them had. His bow was drawn, and eyes set on both of them.
“Identify yourselves.”
“Henry and Elizabeth.” Goldtooth said, perhaps too sarcastically.
“Tell me the truth, or I’ll drop both of you dead like I did those walkers.”
“Listen boy-o, you brought your bow and arrow, to combat my pist-“
Even as Goldtooth pulled out his pistol, the man shot it out of his hand, with his arrow.
“Any tricks from you, miss?”
“Look,” Ereina said, putting on a pleading tone. “Look, we were marooned here. We just need some food. I haven’t had any for the past few days. Please!”
“Surprising, since I saw you and your bufoons feasting on meat along the coastline. Tell me the damn truth!”
Goldtooth and Ereina were shocked at the man’s knowledge about them.
“Look, all you need to know right now, in this instant is that there is a group of people chasing us, and we need a better place to hide. Have you got one? A hut of some sort? Something?”
“Why should I care who hunts you down?”
“They aren’t exactly very fond of you either.” Ereina added, biting back frustration.
The man surveyed their surroundings, and paced pensievely.
“Very well, come along.”  The man said and lowered his bow. They followed him through the trees from which he’d jumped, and after traversing a short path, they came to the hut. A modest sized, wooden hut, with a thatched roof. From the look on Goldtooth’s face, she knew that this was the hut. The man looked surprisingly well fed. He was fair, tall, black haired, and quite well built.  He opened the door and motioned them in.

The man had poured them cups of coconut water, setting it down on the table.
“This has become my wine.” The man chuckled, as he sat down with the group. “Now, tell me. Why have you really come here?”
The tension built, as each stared the other down, almost trying to extract an answer with their gaze itself.
“Drink tastes mighty nice!” Goldtooth said to break the tension.
“Yes indeed it does. But your body will not be able to savor it for as long. I have titrated the mixture with a rare poison to which only I have the antidote. If you value your life, which I’m sure you do. I suggest you speak now.”
“Why would you bring us here, just to kill us, you’re bluffing!” Ereina exclaimed furiously.
“Why would I be bluffing? What have I got to lose? These men you say, aren’t fond of me. Well, they’ll only be able to show that if they find me won’t they. I’m quite sure that they won’t be able to do that very easily. Even if they do, I have my own methods of dealing with them.”
Goldtooth felt his vision starting to blur, and dizziness setting in. Ereina felt the same.
“If you continue this game, you’ll only last another two minutes at the most, now speak!”
“We’re here…for the potion!”
“What potion?!”
“The witch’s potion. The one set here years ago. Now give us the bloody antidote!” Goldtooth yelled. The man tossed two nuts to each of them.
They threw them into their mouth without hesitation and chewed them. Almost instantaneously the symptoms disappeared. “I forgot to add, there was no poison in those drinks. You were right…Mr….”
“Goldtooth, most feared pirate of the seas. I’ve heard many a thing about you. Anyhow, what you drank was merely a very concentrated alcohol mixed with coconut juice, and not the latter alone though the alcohol’s insipidity makes one think that. The nuts merely compensated for the after effects. Now, the potion. I myself have been searching for that for years. You could look through all my maps, but you wouldn’t be able to find a definite answer.”
“He’s useless Goldtooth. Let me do what I wanted to do all this time.” Ereina reached for her dagger, pulling it out, and walking towards the Estrellan who sat unflinchingly.
“For years I lived under the illusion that Estrella was honorable. That they respected me as royalty. That they cared about who I was. But no! All I was to everyone was a figurehead! I was the princess!”
“And you wish to torture me for this?” the Estrellan said.
“Oh, ever so passionately.” She moved in with the knife. The Estrellan kicked her shin, and flipped her, putting his arm around her neck. She slipped from his grasp, and drove her knee into his chest, and her elbow into his head. He yelled in pain, and only to be kicked in the face once again. In an instant Goldtooth was up on his feet, with the Estrellan’s bow and arrow pointed at him.
“Make another move. I’ll shoot your eye out of its socket.” Goldtooth said, voice quaking with anger. Ereina had her dagger angled for the man’s stomach.
“Fine. I will guide you to the best of my capabilities. But there must be…for it is only fair to ask…there must be something in it for me, should we find this potion.”
“Yes of course. Your trip off this island, which I’m sure you detest as much as us. You will be free to go anywhere you wish.  You won’t have any more coconut juice and alcohol, but that you can do away with. Imagine the lands you could go to.”
“Reasonable. We leave tomorrow.”

Part 8
Goldtooth was shown a small room, and Ereina the same. Night had fallen, and Goldtooth saw it in his best interests to rest. Ereina had different plans. She opened the door to Goldtooth’s room, and took off her nightgown.
“You know, we have some unfinished business.” She said, stroking her nude body. She rushed over to the bed, and leaped onto Goldtooth, licking his face. “Don’t get carried away, this is a distraction. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a pleasant distraction. Take off your pants. What are you waiting for. My body burns.” She went down and undid Goldtooth’s buckle, and pulled his pants off, and started to undo the buttons to his shirt.
Goldtooth just stared at her in awe. He hadn’t expected so much action from her in such a short amount of time. But he didn’t have much to complain about.
“So, what did you really come to say.”
“I say, we go with him till we get to the treasure, and then kill the bastard.” She whispered. “I can’t stand his face.”
“I think it would be smarter to keep him alive. “
“For what reason? For him to embarrass us further?” she said, and pulled his shirt off, kissing his chest, rubbing her breasts against it. She turned over, so Goldtooth was on top. He thrusted, and she moaned.
“For all we know, he may just lead us into a trap. If we leave him alive, we can negotiate. Otherwise, my goons, as you refer-“
“Harder Goldtooth, is that all the force you pirates can muster.” He did so.
“My goons will capture us, and they will not negotiate.”
“I’d rather be killed by goons than by-oh goodness, harder-than by this Estrellan scum.”
“Your sentiments are going to get in the way of your success.”
Ereina put her leg on his shoulder, and pulled him inward with it.
“I’ll go with what you say for now…but if he even dares to lay a finger on either of us, don’t expect to see him living any longer. Gah! Come on!” Goldtooth thrusted harder, and harder. They moaned and groaned with sexual pleasure, until finally, an acme was reached, and Goldtooth fell upon Ereina’s sweaty body.
“You pirates just need that little push, and you are quite impressive. Perhaps we should have done this in my room. I apologize if my sense of foreplay was not in accordance with yours.”
“The rougher the better.”
Ereina laughed.

Morning came and brought dew to the already moist ground of the tropical forest. Ereina awoke, to find Goldtooth already bathed and dressed, while she still lay in bed naked.
“Bathing pirates? That’s quite unordinary.”
“I don’t want to associate myself with those pirates anymore. I’m a pirate, but not that kind.”
Ereina stood, and wearily kissed Goldtooth’s cheek..
“Let me get dressed. And we can set out with this bloke.”
“Remember, he stays alive.”
“I remember, I’ll just make him wish he was dead.”
“Ereina! This is not a time to let your sentiments get in the way. He is our only link to the potion, and hurting him will only lessen our chances of finding it. So keep your anger in check. Why don’t you use that anger to fight our former friends?”
“Those goons? They shouldn’t be a problem.”

The bath was very crude compared to the one she used in the palace in Estrella. However, she did not complain. Luxury was now her bane of existence. That luxury had blinded her for so long, that she wished to be as far away from it as possible. She hurriedly threw on her gown from the day before and headed to the alcove.  
She took her dagger and wrapped the belt around her waist. Goldtooth and the Estrellan were already waiting outside.
“Time to go.” He muttered.

The woods felt more secure on this excursion. Goldtooth, despite the hatred he possessed against the Estrellans, felt far more confident with a man who had traversed the land many times. Nonetheless, as a precaution, all of them had their weapons drawn, to fend off a possible attack from Morgan and the rest of the pirates.  Their precaution would not go wasted.
The triad crept, almost crouching, through the jungle’s intricate maze of pathways underneath the dew tipped trees. Light filtered in through the gaps in the leaves above, and formed pillars of sunshine in front of them.
“How far in this direction?” Goldtooth inquired.
“Like I specified earlier, I am not sure of the exact distances. However, from my deductions, we are on the correct path.”
“So you are as in the dark as we are then?” Ereina said frustratedly.
“If you would like to branch off, you are free to do so. I do not wish to force you to stay with us.” The Estrellan replied.
“If she leaves, I leave.” Goldtooth said.
“Then your quest is compromised.”
“He’s right. We’re being silly. Let’s just move along.” Just then, a scraping noise caught the Estrellan’s attention.
“Hold.” He ordered, and the triad came to a halt, on their guard. The scraping grew louder and louder, until from behind them pounced a boar like creature which pounced over their heads and reared, facing them. It fangs were coated with masticated remains of another creature. Ereina drew her dagger, Goldtooth his sword and the Estrellan his bow and arrow. The creature growled and inched forward. It crept ever so slowly, and the triad backed further and further, until they started to feel suspicious. Unbeknownst to them, three other such creatures had slipped in behind them, encircling them.
“We have no choice Goldtooth, use your firearm.”
“Morgan will know where we are.”
“Do you value your bloody life?!” the Estrellan hissed, and let loose an arrow into the mouth of a creature. It tried to howl, but was choked, falling to the ground and writhing to its death. Its companions, furious, pounced on the Estrellan, who sliced away with his dagger, and held them off but it was obvious that it wouldn’t last for long. Goldtooth slashed with his sword and stabbed through two creatures, choking their guttural cries. Ereina lunged at yet another, and slit its throat. But one remained, and it was the largest of the bunch. It reared on its legs. The Estrellan struggled to get his bow ready, and Ereina had hardly finished slaughtering another creature. The creature pounced. Goldtooth slashed, but missed, and was tackled. Ereina tried to stab the creature, but was kicked ferociously by its hind legs, throwing her back. The Estrellan faced the same fate.
“Goldtooth do it!” Ereina yelled. Goldtooth drew his pistol and fired a shot into the pig sending it squealing, and rolling.
“There! Over there!” came distant cries.
“Damn them to hell! They have located us!” the Estrellan cursed. The triad scrambled to their feet and ran away from the site. Ereina squinted into the distance, and could make out men rushing through the foliage.
“They are flanking us. It is too late. We have to fight them.” Goldtooth said. He was correct. Morgan’s men jumped beside the three and had them surrounded.
“Well, if it isn’t the famous Goldtooth!” Morgan sneered. “You were never my captain, and I was never your pirate. Who here would want to put up with your abuse?”
“You deserved the abuse you received.” Ereina blurted.
“Shut up!” Morgan yelled, and charged at her. Goldtooth drew his sword and placed it across as a gesture of protection.
“If you want a fight, you will fight me, coward!” Goldtooth hissed.
“No, he will fight me, and I will kill him.” Ereina glared.
“What have we got here?” Scagwash said, from the crowd, pointing at the Estrellan. “Could this be the man who could point us to the treasure? Yes indeed.” He laughed, and the others followed.
However, they never looked close enough, to see the glint in his eye. A sliver of hope remained. Without hesitating, the Estrellan grabbed the nearest pirate, stabbing him, then out of the blue he pulled a wooden whistle and blew into it.
“What the bloody hell is he doin’?” one of the pirates asked. The sound of hooves thudding answered the question. The Ranorak, the horned beast of the forest tore through the trees as it charged towards the dead pirate.
“Get him!” Morgan yelled, but it was too late. Most of the pirates had scattered out of fear and ran astray into the woods. Morgan was furious, but chased after them to round them up. The Estrellan grabbed Ereina and Goldtooth and they charged off into the woods in the way they were initially headed. Just as they left, the Ranorak crashed through the trees and ran in the direction of the pirates, who fled frantically.

“Well…” the Estrellan said.
“No thanks to you.” Ereina grumbled. “Not until you get us to the treasure anyway.”
“I wasn’t expecting any gratitude from you..especially you.”
“Where did you learn that?” Goldtooth asked, gaping at him.
“When one is stranded on this god forsaken island for as long as I have been..oh they will have to learn such things. Now, a day or two north, and we should be much closer to the potion. I have a hand in this, I hope you remember. I receive a piece of the bounty.”
“Of course.” Ereina said sarcastically. She itched to castrate the man, if he wasn’t already a eunuch.  

So the trek continued for the next day, as the entourage pushed through piles and piles of foliage with their goal driving them forward. Occasionally, they would stop to rest or to eat whatever foods were around. The soles of their boots wore out, but their souls remained resolute as they reminded themselves of the awaiting treasure. Over the course of the day, the relation between Ereina and the Estrellan grew milder, as she even helped him hunt on occasion, though he was still far from a friend. However, they were not careful enough. Morgan had not been idle during that day. He had assigned two of the stealthiest of pirates to stalk the triad ever so silently. All the while, they only lay a few feet behind them, with Morgan’s band in earshot. After the day had past, the triad came upon another pool, in which they bathed. Though Ereina and Goldtooth itched to make love yet again, the vigilance of the Estrellan inhibited them from doing so. The two pirates sat silently, hidden in the trees, with their rifles trained on the three of them. The bath would only be a brief one, and Ereina wished to start again. They did so, and within a few hours they walked back into the jungle.
“It should be around here.” The Estrellan stated solemnly. In front of them, stood a curtain of leaves. “Who’d like to do the honors?”
“Ladies first.” Goldtooth motioned to Ereina, who smiled and pushed apart the leaves. The three passed in, and the pirates close behind them. In front lay a dilapidated bungalow, with vines that had grown over them.
“This must be the spot.” Goldtooth remarked.
“If it’s not, I daresay we should give up our quest.” The Estrellan replied. They went forth, to investigate the house. Goldtooth slashed at the vines, and they fell away. He kicked the door open, and coughed at the musty air. It was once a beautiful place. Marble tiles and walls, and décor. Not to mention, the elaborate engravings that lay embedded in the walls of the dwelling.
“Where would a witch keep her potion?”
“Where most wouldn’t see it.”
“Under ground.” The triad rushed around, looking for the basement, and found the door that led to it. They left the door open allowing some light to filter through. They descended in to the basement, and  in front of them, in the faint light, sat a wooden table, and on that table lay a small case. Goldtooth quietly strode over, and opened the case. Inside sat a small vial.
“My share.” The Estrellan stated.
“You know what they say right?”
“What is that?”
“Never make deals with a pirate.” Goldtooth cackled, and Ereina smiled approvingly. “You never specified how much of the share you wished to have. So here…have this cork. Goldtooth barely touched the vial, and both Ereina and himself disappeared.
Part 9
Goldtooth and Ereina swirled through a black cloud and in an instant fell face first onto a bed. A very musty one at that, with Ereina lying on Goldtooth’s back. She clambered off, and dusted her body off.
“Where in hell are we?” Ereina asked. Goldtooth looked around, and his eyes widened at the sight. He merely gestured to a sign on the wall. It had a message from the King…the king of Estrella. But it wasn’t Ereina’s father. Goldtooth peered more closely…it was years before their time.
“The witch was an Estrellan?” Ereina inquired confused.
“This potion…it bloody sent us back in time!”
Just then footsteps sounded, and a woman’s aroused laughter was heard through the door.
“Do come tomorrow night. I’ll have something special ready!” the woman cackled.

The scene changed around them, and the night had fallen. Ereina and Goldtooth stood outside the house, as the woman waited, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot.
“It looks like we can’t talk to her.” Ereina said.
“Thank you for stating the obvious.” Goldtooth replied.
“You’re welcome.”
As expected, a man cloaked in black strode up the long stony path towards the house. The woman, without even waiting for him to come all the way, ran up to the man and kissed him deeply.
“I’m glad you came. Let me show you what I’ve made.” The lady dragged him inside, and the scene moved Goldtooth and Ereina inside.

The lady stirred the liquid in the cauldron. Strangely, it possessed the same hue as the liquid in the flask. Goldtooth and Ereina stood agape.
“Your people would frown upon me for giving you this, but take it as a token of my love.” The lady cackled, and poured the liquid into a small flask. “It will give you unimaginable powers.”
“Oh thank you, my dear. Thank you, thank you.” The man seemed overjoyed.
“With this, you can kill the king, and convince the people to fall under your lead. And then, if I could perhaps…maybe sit beside you, in that palace…”
“Of course. How could I ever keep it all for myself. After all, it was you that brought me this far. I am indeed, deeply indebted to you.”
“Oh, don’t exaggerate. You don’t have to if you do not desire to.”
“Who spoke of not desiring. It is my obligation.” The man said. With that, the two embraced. But something in the man’s eye showed to Ereina that he was not very sincere.
A thin haze formed around them, and they shifted to the king’s quarters. Ereina had been in there many a time. She recognized every detail. The wooden engravings, ceramic vases, portraits…she stopped there. Portraits, but not of people she even remotely recognized. She walked forward, taking a closer look. Outside, rain pattered on the roof, and lightning struck, lighting the room. The king shifted in his bed, and for once, his face was shone as the lighting flashed again. The man in the black cloak crept ever so silently up to the bed, inch by inch. He pulled something from in the cloak. A dagger. The thunder rumbled, and in that moment the man pounced onto the bed and slit the king’s throat. He dragged him to the window, and threw him down. Ereina choked back a cry, and Goldtooth stared in amazement at the treachery.
                Almost immediately, he pulled out the flask and drank the potion inside. His eyes grew more lively, his frame stronger, and with authority he declared,
“By the will of this magic, I demand that the memory of the former bloodline be erased from the minds of the people, and he pointed his finger out the window. A stream of green emerged and settled as a fog over the city. On the ground, the king’s ornaments and fancy clothing transferred to the man in the cloak, who laughed villainously. “The new bloodline shall dominate Estrella and shall expand forever.”

The scene changed again, and the man from before lay in bed with the lady from before.
“I pray that we have a son.” The man said.
“Yes. I as well. He shall become the proud heir to our kingdom.”
“Our kingdom…” the man said, but his eyes narrowed. “Yes, in fact I shall have a royal escort prepared for you tomorrow. TO bring you to the palace.”
The woman kissed his lips, and threw off the covers, exposing her naked self.
“It’s getting late. It would be best if you got back.”
“Of course.” The man said, and threw on his cloak, walking out into the night. The lady put on a robe and stared hopefully, into the distance.

Morning came, and in the distance the clip-clop of horse’s hooves and the clattering of the carriage’s wheels were heard. The lady eagerly rushed to the door, dressed in the best of clothes. But her face suddenly changed. It grew demure. Goldtooth and Ereina strained to see, but then it became obvious to them as well. It was a royal escort…to prison. The king led the escort triumphantly, and rode to the witch’s doorstep.
“I’ve come…my dear.” He snickered.
“You bastard. I trusted you.”
“You did. And you trusted wrong.” He laughed again. “I hereby place you under arrest of the Estrellan government, for practicing your witchcraft which the law so passionately detests.” He said, looking into her eyes.
The witch said not a word, but her eyes conveyed her rage. She brought her arms together, and spread them out, releasing arrows of flame. The heads of the soldiers were torn off, burned. The man reared on his horse, and pulled his sword at her.
“Kill me and you kill your heir.”
“Well then give birth to him already.” The man said crassly.
“Very well then.” The witch brought her hands together, forming a green ball. The green ball grew in size, until inside, the fetus was visible. She then slowly but surely moved her hands about the green ball, and materialized the baby, handing it to the man.
“His name is Erey, and may he be many times as great a man as you were. You selfish bastard!” she yelled, and around her a cloud of black smoke grew.

The scene changed, and she arrived in the jungle…ever so familiar it was…the jungle from the island. The witch landed there, and started to sob. She punched the trees, and tore the grass out of the ground, and the nature cried with her. Out of her anger, she conjured creatures which began to populate the lifeless island. The snapping fish, the Ranorak, the flying tiger, and many others which Ereina felt relieved that they did not have to see before. Goldtooth stood silent, utterly stunned at the events unfolding before him.
The witch, in the very spot she stood, erected the establishment that they had discovered. She coated the walls with marble, and the floor with it as well. And finally, she added the paraphernalia. The chairs and the tables. Then finally, she made the basement. Dark and like a dungeon it was, and it reeked of fear. She snapped her fingers and a small flame arose lighting her way. In the middle of this basement, she erected a table, and on that table she erected a flask…the one they had picked up.
Then she did the most surprising of things. She stabbed herself in the stomach, and started to recite.
“May the man who finds this, see the pain which I have endured to show the truth behind power. All men seek power, and power corrupts man immensely. May the man who finds this be enlightened and perhaps see what is truly important in his life.” With this, she dripped her blood into the flask, and chanted a spell, enchanting it, and giving it a slightly different hue. She then placed a cork to close it.
The witch let out a scream. The shrillest and most gut-wrenching of screams, and the scene around them disappeared, and there they stood, back in the basement. In front of them stood the ghost of the witch.
“So, you have seen my story…and hopefully you have learned. But ultimately I am here to grant you whatever you wish.” The witch said.
“Well, I want to start off by saying how incredibly sorry I am that you had to endure such a tragedy.” Ereina said, nearly in tears.
“What has happened, has happened. You must be the daughter of Erey? Ereina I suppose?”
“Tell me, is Erey any better than his father was?”
“No. He never will be. He only cares about money and power…much like his father.”
“Aah, the corruption.” The witch sighed. “But at least now, you have seen the disadvantages of such a life.”
“Yes, I do, and I have never seen it better.” Ereina said. “I’ve chosen.”
“What of me?”
“I apologize to you, noble pirate. But the wish is for women only, as it was a woman’s suffering that was witnessed. Which is why I ask you to wish wisely.”
Goldtooth stared nervously, which was quite unlike him, at Ereina.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” He whispered jokingly. Ereina smiled back, and looked at the witch.
“I do not want to go back to Estrella, though the option should still be there for me. I want to settle here, on this island, with this man…this noble pirate, who has bent backward to bring me alive to acquire this wisdom. I wish to live with him here, for the rest of my life. My love for him outweighs any desire for anything material. You may give me a small hole to live in, or a massive palace, I do not mind. I just wish to be with Goldtooth. That is my wish.”
“Goldtooth, be aware, you are very lucky to find a woman of such erudition. Treat her well.” The witch smiled. Goldtooth strangely captivated, found himself smiling back. “ As for the hole or the castle. I say, if love must be enjoyed, it must be enjoyed thoroughly. I give you the palace Amoros.”
“But wait. What of our enemies. Morgan and his band of pirates?” Ereina asked.
“They will be dealt with accordingly, and shall pay for their mistakes.”
“And the Estrellan, may he stay with us too? As much as I may dislike my land, without this man’s painstaking efforts, we would not have gotten here.” Ereina looked back at the Estrellan who was still stuck staring wide-eyed at the ghost in front of him.
“Granted.” The witch smiled, and snapped her fingers.

Around them formed the most magnificent of palaces. Guards at every door, and servants in every room. The ceilings rose high, and gold covered everything. The marble covered the floors the stairs and the walls. The windows were grand and arched, and the palace left the Estrellan palace as an unequal match. The three stood in the middle simply amazed at the sight. But not once did either of them forget the value of each other. As Ereina had said, her love for Goldtooth would have still stood unwavering even if she had been put in a hole.
The three embraced, and ascended the stairs, reveling in the glory of their strenuous, but worthwhile journey.

Goldtooth and Ereina got married. Goldtooth set aside his pirate career, and spent time attending to palace duties, and no doubt to his family. They had 3 sons and a daughter, all of whom they loved ever so much. The Estrellan, became the closest of guards, and watched over them like a hawk, to make sure that no harm befell them. To Ereina he was not only a protector, but a great friend. Her views had changed indeed and now she not only was beautiful from the outside, but on the inside, her brilliance radiated across the world, and they lived happily ever after.
As for Morgan, he did not live so happily ever after, as the beasts of the jungle devoured him and his band of mutineers. A fate well deserved, by such a cruel, vulgar man.

The End

1 comment:

  1. Please Do Comment, I'd really like to hear your opinions:)
