Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The wind blew very hard on the cold November morning. Tom Evans drove his car up the slope to his mountain house near the Rockies. He held about him a tempestuous contention to avenge someone. Someone who had been dear to him, for a long time, until the very man who he trusted had put an end to her. Emma Walker was that person. He reminisced on her beauty, her elegance, and her intelligence. Oh how he missed her now. His life was like Swiss cheese, and his wife’s death left the biggest hole. He pulled up in front of the house, and left his car. Evans walked up the steps, fighting the wind, and reaching the door. He yanked open the outer glass door, and stepped into the small sunroom. He went forward to the main door, and pushed that open as well. He patted his pockets and checked to make sure that his gun was with him. His gun was in his coat pocket.
“Hey!” Tom yelled, and walked into the house. “Where are you?! Show your face if you are a man!”
“I’m right here Tom.” The voice answered. “I’ve been waiting. It’s time you came to terms with our mistakes.”
“It was you who killed her. I remember, last week, you punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground, you pulled the gun on her. It was a Smith and Wesson revolver. I even remember the year! She was crying with mercy. She begged for your forgiveness for the adultery she committed, yet you, being the cold hearted wolf that you are, refused to shed any mercy upon her. People make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. By pulling that trigger that night, you committed a crime much worse than adultery. You committed murder.”
“I merely did what was necessary, Tom.” The man said. “An eye for an eye is the way to survive in this world.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and you are a blinded man. You glorify yourself and fail to see the malicious beast that rests within you. You are an animal, a murderer, a cold blooded murderer!”
“But it was you who supplied me with the gun, was it not? It was you that so intimately explained your problems with Emma. It was you that came crying to me every night about how you felt your wife was cheating on you. That was not my doing. In fact if you look at it that way, all I did was alleviate your pain.”
“You are dead. Your body lives, but your soul is extinguished. How could you bring yourself to say such words?”
“How could you?! How could you doubt Emma so? How could you doubt her loyalty to you? You suspicious fool. Yet you have the audacity to blame me for the happenings.”

“You have reached the last straw.” Evans said, and pulled out his gun. He aimed at the man’s head, and with each second, his anger grew. Evans pulled the trigger and collapsed, a gaping hole left in his very own forehead. As he fell, his revolver slipped out of his hand, and glinted in the faint light inside the room. It was a Smith and Wesson revolver. His knuckles were bruised, and out of his pocket rolled a canister of pills. They were psychedelic drugs. The night drew on, Tom Evans was dead. 

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